-as of [26 AUGUST 2024]







*french* –>

conférence générale des poids et mesures


-the general conference on ‘weights’ + ‘measures’ is the senior of the 3 ‘inter-governmental organizations’ established in ‘1875’ under the terms of the “meter convention” (french: convention du mètre) to represent the interests of ‘member states’-


(the treaty, which also set up 2 further bodies, the ‘international committee for weights and measures’ (french –> comité international des poids et mesures – ‘CIPM’) + the ‘international bureau of weights + measures’ (french: bureau international des poids et mesures – ‘BIPM’), was drawn up to coordinate ‘international metrology’ and to coordinate the development of the ‘metric system’)

(the conference meets in ‘sèvres’ (south-west of ‘paris’) every ‘4’ to ‘6’ years)

“depending on…?”

(initially it was only concerned with the ‘(kilo)gram’ and the ‘meter’, but in ‘1921’ the scope of the treaty was extended to accommodate all ‘physical measurements’ and hence all aspects of the ‘metric system’)


(in ‘1960’, the ‘11th CGPM’ approved the “système international d’unités”, usually known as “SI”)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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