-jewish history-


-as of [21 MARCH 2024]






(~ ‘597 BCE’ – ~’539 BCE’)
(~58 YEARS)



*they fooled billions of ‘christians’ + ‘muslims’ with their ‘god’*


(“adam” was the ‘first jew’)

(“jesus” was the “greatest jew”)

(according to “christians”)

(there was a conflict between the ‘greeks’ and the ‘jews’ during the conquests of ‘alexander the great’)

(‘maccabean revolt’ of ‘167 BCE’)


(modern ‘archaeology’ has largely discarded the ‘historicity’ of the ‘patriarchs’ and of the ‘exodus’ story, with it being reframed as constituting the israelites’ inspiring ‘national myth narrative’)

(then what is israel’s current (‘inspiring’) “national myth narrative”?)

(the ‘israelites’ + their ‘culture’ (according to the ‘modern archaeological account’) did not overtake the region by ‘force’, but instead branched out of the ‘canaanite peoples’ + ‘culture’ through the development of a distinct ‘monolatristic’ (and later ‘monotheistic’) religion centered on ‘yahweh’ (one of the ‘ancient canaanite deities’))

(the growth of ‘yahweh-centric belief’ (along with a number of ‘cultic practices’) gradually gave rise to a ‘distinct israelite ethnic group’, setting them apart from other ‘canaanites’)

(the ‘canaanites’ themselves are archeologically attested in the ‘middle bronze age’, while the ‘hebrew language’ is the last extant member of the ‘canaanite languages’)


(in the ‘iron age I’ period (1200–1000 BCE), ‘israelite culture’ was largely ‘canaanite’ in nature)








👈👈👈☜*“THE JEWS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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