-the [kilo-meter]-


-as of [9 APRIL 2024]


-the kilo-meter is a ‘unit of length’ in the ‘metric system’ equal to ‘1000 meters’-

(‘kilo- being the ‘SI prefix’ for ‘1000′)


‘SI symbol’ –> km






(‘american spelling’)


(the dumb british spelling)

(which unfortunately is also the ‘international spelling’ as used by the *’international bureau’ of ‘weights’ + ‘measures’*)

(why not ‘ER’!?!?) 

(remember kids, the british didn’t “invent” english so much as spoke an ‘evolved’ version of the ‘proto-indo-european’ language)

(and ‘american engish’ is a further ‘evolutionary’ branch that corrects for ‘mistakes’ such as spelling ‘meter’ instead of ‘metre’)

(if we want to standard ‘units’, why don’t we first start standardizing both the ‘written’ + ‘spoken’ words)

(this may be why brits don’t pronounce their “R’s” properly)
(because ‘er’ is the most ‘phonetically aligned’)

(‘center’ > ‘centra’ > ‘centre’)


(‘k’ (pronounced /keɪ/) is occasionally used in some ‘english-speaking countries’ as an alternative for the word ‘kilometre’ in colloquial ‘writing’ + ‘speech’)


(a slang term for the ‘kilometre’ in the ‘US military’ is “klick”)


(it is now the ‘measurement unit’ used officially for expressing ‘distances’ between ‘geographical places’ on ‘land’ in most of the ‘world’)


(notable exceptions are the ‘united states’ + the ‘road network’ of the ‘united kingdom’ (where the ‘statute mile’ is the ‘official unit’ used))








👈👈👈☜*”THE METER”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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