
(a ‘chromebook 11 laptop’ by ‘acer incorporated’)

*4 january 2016*






___*AKA* (???)____

“notebook (computer)*


(a laptop is a ‘portable personal computer’ with…)

*a “clamshell” form factor*

with a ‘keyboard’ on the ‘lower part’ of the “clamshell”

and a thin ‘LCD/LED computer screen’ on the ‘upper portion’

which is opened up to use the ‘computer’


(‘laptops’ are ‘folded shut’ for ‘transportation’, and thus are suitable for ‘mobile use’)

(although originally there was a distinction between ‘laptops’ and ‘notebooks’ (the ‘former’ being ‘bigger’ and ‘heavier’ than the ‘latter’), as of ‘2014’ there is often no longer any ‘difference’)

(according to…?)

(the biggest computer manufacturers? (ala ‘apple’))

(some ‘cabal’ of leading ‘computer manufacturers'”?)

(or the ‘english-speaking population’ at large?)

(‘laptops’ are commonly used in a variety of ‘settings’, such as at ‘work’, in ‘education’, and for ‘personal multimedia’ and ‘home computer’ use)

(a ‘laptop’ combines the ‘components’, ‘inputs’, ‘outputs’, and ‘capabilities’ of a ‘desktop computer’, including the ‘display screen’, ‘speakers’, a ‘keyboard’, ‘pointing devices’ (such as a ‘touchpad’ or ‘trackpad’), a ‘processor’ and ‘memory’ into a single ‘unit’)

(most ‘2016-era laptops’ also have ‘integrated webcams’ and ‘built-in microphones’)

(the device can be ‘powered’ either from a ‘re-chargeable battery’ or by ‘mains electricity’ from an ‘AC adapter’)

(the ‘hardware specifications’ ‘(such as the ‘processor speed’ and ‘memory capacity’) significantly vary between different ‘types’, ‘makes’, and ‘models’)

(‘design elements’, ‘form factor’, and ‘construction’ can also vary significantly between ‘models’ depending on ‘intended use’


examples of ‘specialized models’ of ‘laptops’ include…

‘rugged notebooks’ for use in ‘construction’ or ‘military applications;,

as well as low ‘production cost’ offerings such as those from the “1 laptop per child” organization, which incorporate features like ‘solar charging’ and ‘semi-flexible components’ not found on most ‘laptop computers’)


(how about we ‘adults’?)
(is this a form of unintentional ‘age discrimination’?)

(how about “1 laptop for EVERY HUMAN BEING ALIVE?”)
(or does that discriminate against the ‘dead’?)

(or all ‘homo sapiens’ ever to have lived on this ‘planet’?)

(or ‘all once-living entities’?)

(‘portable computers’ (which later developed into ‘modern laptops’) were originally considered to be a ‘small niche market’, mostly for ‘specialized field applications’, such as in the ‘military’, for ‘accountancy’, or for ‘traveling sales representatives’)


(as ‘portable computers’ became closer to the modern ‘laptop’, they became widely used for a variety of ‘purposes’)








👈👈👈☜*“COMPUTER TYPES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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