
Starved child.jpg
*a child with ‘marasmus’*


“ma RAS mus”


*”marasmus” is a form of ‘severe malnutrition’ characterized by ‘energy deficiency’*


(a child with ‘marasmus’ looks ’emaciated’)

(‘body weight’ is reduced to less than 60% of the ‘normal (or ‘expected’) body weight’ for the ‘age’)

(‘marasmus’ occurrence increases prior to ‘age 1’, whereas kwashiorkor occurrence increases after ’18 months’)

(it can be distinguished from ‘kwashiorkor’ in that ‘kwashiorkor’ is ‘protein deficiency’ with ‘adequate energy intake’ whereas ‘marasmus’ is ‘inadequate energy intake’ in all forms, including ‘protein’)

(‘protein wasting’ in ‘kwashiorkor’ may lead to ‘edema’)

(the ‘prognosis’ is better than it is for ‘kwashiorkor’ but half of ‘severely malnourished children’ die due to ‘unavailability’ of ‘adequate treatment’)

(the word “marasmus” comes from the greek μαρασμός marasmos (“decay”) or “withering”)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. “protein-energy malnutrition” | *JoGa Jungle*

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