




(1844 – 1900)

(german philosopher and classical philologist)

(nietzsche’s father died from a brain ailment in 1849)
(nietzsche was 5)

(he claimed to be polish)
(in a mockery of german superiority)

(he was named after “king frederick william IV” of’ prussia’, who turned 49 on the day of nietzsche’s birth)

(nietzsche’s parents, ‘Carl Ludwig Nietzsche’ (1813–1849), a Lutheran pastor and former teacher, and ‘Franziska Oehler’ (1826–1897), married in 1843, the year before their son’s birth, and had 2 other children: a daughter, ‘Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche’, born in 1846, and a 2nd son, ‘Ludwig Joseph’, born in ‘1848’)

(nietzsche’s father died from a brain ailment in 1849)

(his younger brother died in ‘1850’)

(the family then moved to ‘naumburg’, where they lived with Nietzsche’s ‘paternal grandmother’ + his father’s ‘2 unmarried sisters’)

(after the death of nietzsche’s grandmother in ‘1856’, the family moved into their own house)

(nietzsche attended a ‘boys’ school’ and then later a private school, where he became friends with ‘Gustav Krug’ and ‘Wilhelm Pinder’, both of whom came from very respected families)

(in 1854, he began to attend Pforta in ‘Naumburg’, but after he showed particular talents in ‘music’ and ‘language’, the internationally recognised “Schulpforta” admitted him as a pupil, and there he continued his studies from 1858 to 1864)

(here he became friends with ‘Paul Deussen’ and ‘Carl von Gersdorff’)

(he also found time to work on poems and musical compositions)

(at Schulpforta, ‘Nietzsche’ received an important introduction to literature, particularly that of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and for the first time experienced a distance from his family life in a small-town Christian environment)


(theology and classical philology at the university of bonn)

(Nietzsche then concentrated on studying ‘philology’ under ‘Professor Friedrich Wilhelm Ritschl’, whom he followed to the ‘University of Leipzig’ the next year)


(introduced to works of ‘schopenhauer;)


(signs up for 1 year of voluntary service with ‘prussian artillery division’)

(at the age of 24 he was appointed to the ‘Chair of Classical Philology’ at the ‘University of Basel’ (the youngest individual ever to have held this position))

(met ‘richard wagner’ at age 24 in ‘Leipzig’)

(met ‘cosima’ years later)

(nevertheless, ‘Nietzsche’ served in the Prussian forces during the F’ranco-Prussian War’ of 1870 to 1871 as a ‘medical orderly’)

(in his short time in the military he experienced much, and witnessed the traumatic effects of battle)

(he also contracted ‘diphtheria’ and ‘dysentery’)

(‘Walter Kaufmann’ speculates that he might also have contracted ‘syphilis’ along with his other infections at this time, and some biographers speculate that ‘syphilis’ caused his eventual madness, though there is some disagreement on this matter)

(on returning to ‘Basel’ in 1870 Nietzsche observed the establishment of the ‘German Empire’ and the following era of ‘Otto von Bismarck’ as an outsider and with a degree of skepticism regarding its genuineness)

(Nietzsche admired both ‘wagners’ greatly, and during his time at ‘Basel’ frequently visited Wagner’s house in ‘Tribschen’ in the ‘Canton of Lucerne’)

(the Wagners brought Nietzsche into their most intimate circle, and enjoyed the attention he gave to the beginning of the ‘Bayreuth Festival Theatre’)

(in 1870 he gave ‘Cosima Wagner’ the manuscript of ‘The Genesis of the Tragic Idea’ as a birthday gift)

(in 1872 Nietzsche published his first book, “The Birth of Tragedy”)

(however, his colleagues in the field of ‘classical philology’, including ‘Ritschl’, expressed little enthusiasm for the work, in which Nietzsche eschewed the classical philologic method in favor of a more speculative approach)

(in a polemic, Philology of the Future, “Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff” dampened the book’s reception and increased its notoriety)

(in response, ‘Rohde’ (by now a professor in ‘Kiel’) and ‘Wagner’ came to Nietzsche’s defense)

(‘Nietzsche’ remarked freely about the isolation he felt within the philological community and attempted to attain a position in philosophy at ‘Basel’, though unsuccessfully)

(between 1873 and 1876, Nietzsche published separately 4 long essays: David Strauss: the Confessor and the WriterOn the Use and Abuse of History for LifeSchopenhauer as Educator, and “Richard Wagner in Bayreuth”)

(these 4 essays later appeared in a collected edition under the title “Untimely Meditations”)

(the 4 essays shared the orientation of a cultural critique, challenging the developing German culture along lines suggested by ‘Schopenhauer’ and ‘Wagner’)

(in 1873, Nietzsche also began to accumulate notes that would be posthumously published as “Philosophy in the Tragic Age of the Greeks”)

(during this time, in the circle of the Wagners, Nietzsche met “Malwida von Meysenbug” and “Hans von Bülow”, and also began a friendship with “Paul Rée”, who in 1876 influenced him in dismissing the pessimism in his early writings)

(however, he was deeply disappointed by the “Bayreuth Festival” of 1876, where the banality of the shows and the baseness of the public repelled him)

(he was also alienated by Wagner’s championing of ‘German culture’, which Nietzsche thought a contradiction in terms, as well as by Wagner’s celebration of his fame among the German public)

(jealous much?)

(all this contributed to Nietzsche’s subsequent decision to distance himself from ‘Wagner’)


‘human all too human’

(a book of aphorisms on subjects ranging from ‘metaphysics’ to ‘morality’ and from ‘religion’ to ‘the sexes’)

(Nietzsche’s reaction against the pessimistic philosophy of ‘Wagner’ and ‘Schopenhauer’ became evident, as well as the influence of Afrikan Spir’s “Denken und Wirklichkeit”)

(Nietzsche’s friendship with ‘Deussen’ and ‘Rohde’ cooled as well)

(in 1879, after a significant decline in health, Nietzsche had to resign his position at ‘Basel’)

(since his childhood, various disruptive illnesses had plagued him, including moments of shortsightedness that left him nearly blind, migraine headaches, and violent indigestion)

(the 1868 riding accident and diseases in 1870 may have aggravated these persistent conditions, which continued to affect him through his years at ‘Basel’, forcing him to take longer and longer holidays until regular work became impractical)

(he resigned the post in 1879 (age 33) due to health problems)

(from college case of ‘syphilis’ from a prostitute)

(traveled the world in search of hospitable climates)

(in 1882 Nietzsche published the first part of “The Gay Science”)

(that year he also met “Lou Andreas Salomé”, through ‘Malwida von Meysenbug’ and ‘Paul Rée’)

(‘Nietzsche’ and ‘Salomé’ spent the summer together in ‘Tautenburg’ in ‘Thuringia’, often with Nietzsche’s sister Elisabeth as a ‘chaperone’)

(Nietzsche, however, regarded Salomé less as an equal partner than as a gifted student)

(Salomé reports that he asked her to marry him and that she refused, though the reliability of her reports of events has come into question)

(Nietzsche’s relationship with Rée and Salomé broke up in the winter of 1882/1883, partially because of intrigues conducted by Nietzsche’s sister Elisabeth)

(amidst renewed bouts of illness, living in near isolation after a falling-out with his mother and sister regarding Salomé, Nietzsche fled to ‘Rapallo’)

(here he wrote the first part of Thus Spoke Zarathustra in only 10 days)

(nietzsche and his 8 summers renting an unfurnished farmer’s room)

(in 1883 he tried and failed to obtain a lecturing post at the ‘University of Leipzig’)

(it was made clear to him that, in view of the attitude towards ‘Christianity’ and the concept of God expressed in Zarathustra, he had become in effect unemployable at any German University)

(the subsequent “feelings of revenge and resentment” embittered him)

(“and hence my rage since i have grasped in the broadest possible sense what wretched means (the depreciation of my good name, my character and my aims) suffice to take from me the trust of, and therewith the possibility of obtaining, pupils”)

(in 1885 he printed only 40 copies of the 4th part of Zarathustra, and distributed only a fraction of these among close friends, including ‘Helene von Druskowitz’)

(although Nietzsche had in 1886 announced (at the end of On The Genealogy of Morality) a new work with the title The Will to Power: Attempt at a Revaluation of All Values, he eventually seems to have abandoned this particular approach and instead used some of the draft passages to compose Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist (both written in 1888))

(in 1886 Nietzsche broke with his editor, ‘Ernst Schmeitzner’, disgusted by his anti-Semitic opinions)

(Nietzsche saw his own writings as “completely buried and unexhumeable in this anti-Semitic dump” of Schmeitzner—associating the editor with a movement that should be “utterly rejected with cold contempt by every sensible mind”)

(he then printed Beyond Good and Evil at his own expense, and issued in 1886–1887 2nd editions of his earlier works (The Birth of TragedyHuman, All Too HumanDawn, and The Gay Science), accompanied by new prefaces in which he reconsidered his earlier works)

(thereafter, he saw his work as completed for a time and hoped that soon a readership would develop)

(in fact, interest in Nietzsche’s thought did increase at this time, if rather slowly and in a way hardly perceived by him)

(during these years Nietzsche met “Meta von Salis”, “Carl Spitteler”, and also “Gottfried Keller”)

(in 1886 his sister Elisabeth married the anti-Semite “Bernhard Förster” and traveled to “Paraguay” to found “Nueva Germania”, a “Germanic” colony—a plan to which Nietzsche responded with mocking laughter)

(through correspondence, Nietzsche’s relationship with Elisabeth continued on the path of conflict and reconciliation, but they would meet again only after his collapse)

(he continued to have frequent and painful attacks of illness, which made prolonged work impossible)

(in 1887 Nietzsche wrote the polemic “On the Genealogy of Morals”)

(during the same year Nietzsche encountered the work of ‘Fyodor Dostoevsky’, with whom he felt an immediate kinship)

(he also exchanged letters with ‘Hippolyte Taine’, and then also with ‘Georg Brandes’)

(‘Brandes’, who had started to teach the philosophy of ‘Søren Kierkegaard’ in the 1870s, wrote to Nietzsche asking him to read ‘Kierkegaard’, to which Nietzsche replied that he would come to ‘Copenhagen’ and read ‘Kierkegaard’ with him)

(however, before fulfilling this undertaking, he slipped too far into sickness)

(in the beginning of 1888, in Copenhagen, Brandes delivered one of the first lectures on Nietzsche’s philosophy)

(his health seemed to improve, and he spent the summer in high spirits)

(in the fall of 1888 his writings and letters began to reveal a higher estimation of his own status and “fate”)

(he overestimated the increasing response to his writings, especially to the recent polemic, “The Case of Wagner”)

(on his 44th birthday, after completing Twilight of the Idols and The Antichrist, he decided to write the autobiography “Ecce Homo”)

(in the preface to this work—which suggests Nietzsche was well aware of the interpretive difficulties his work would generate—he declares, “Hear me! For I am such and such a person. Above all, do not mistake me for someone else”)

(in December, Nietzsche began a correspondence with ‘August Strindberg’, and thought that, short of an international breakthrough, he would attempt to buy back his older writings from the publisher and have them translated into other European languages)

(moreover, he planned the publication of the compilation Nietzsche Contra Wagner and of the poems that composed his collection “Dionysian-Dithyrambs”)

(lived until 1889 as independent author in different cities)

(he lived on a pension from the ‘university of basel’)

(then he ‘went crazy’…)

(on 3 january 1889, Nietzsche suffered a mental collapse)

(2 policemen approached him after he caused a public disturbance in the streets of ‘turin’ (in ‘northern italy’))

(what actually happened remains unknown, but an often-repeated tale states that Nietzsche witnessed the whipping of a horse at the other end of the ‘Piazza Carlo Alberto’, ran to the horse, threw his arms up around its neck to protect the horse, and then collapsed to the ground)

(big-ass moustache)

(threw arms around proverbial horse’s neck)

(in the following few days, Nietzsche sent short writings—known as the Wahnbriefe (“Madness Letters”)—to a number of friends (including ‘Cosima Wagner’ and ‘Jacob Burckhardt’))

(to his former colleague ‘Burckhardt’, Nietzsche wrote: “I have had ‘Caiaphas’ put in fetters. Also, last year I was crucified by the German doctors in a very drawn-out manner. Wilhelm, Bismarck, and all anti-Semites abolished”)

(additionally, he commanded the German emperor to go to Rome to be shot, and summoned the European powers to take military action against ‘Germany’)

(on 6 january 1889 Burckhardt showed the letter he had received from Nietzsche to Overbeck)

(the following day Overbeck received a similarly revealing letter, and decided that Nietzsche’s friends had to bring him back to ‘Basel’)

(‘Overbeck’ traveled to Turin and brought Nietzsche to a psychiatric clinic in ‘Basel’)

(by that time Nietzsche appeared fully in the grip of a serious mental illness, and his mother ‘Franziska’ decided to transfer him to a clinic in ‘Jena’ under the direction of ‘Otto Binswanger’)

(from November 1889 to February 1890 the art historian ‘Julius Langbehn’ attempted to cure Nietzsche, claiming that the methods of the medical doctors were ineffective in treating Nietzsche’s condition)

(‘Langbehn’ assumed progressively greater control of Nietzsche until his secretiveness discredited him)

(in March 1890 ‘Franziska’ removed Nietzsche from the clinic, and in May 1890 brought him to her home in ‘Naumburg’)

(during this process Overbeck and Gast contemplated what to do with Nietzsche’s unpublished works)

(in January 1889 they proceeded with the planned release of Twilight of the Idols, by that time already printed and bound)

(in February they ordered a 50-copy private edition of Nietzsche contra Wagner, but the publisher “C. G. Naumann” secretly printed 100 copies)

(‘Overbeck’ and ‘Gast’ decided to withhold publishing The Antichrist and Ecce Homo because of their more radical content)

(Nietzsche’s reception and recognition enjoyed their first surge)

(‘Peter Gast’ would “correct” Nietzsche’s writings even after the philosopher’s breakdown and did so without his approval—an action severely criticized by contemporary Nietzsche scholars)

(in 1893 Nietzsche’s sister Elisabeth returned from Nueva Germania (in Paraguay) following the suicide of her husband)

(she read and studied Nietzsche’s works, and piece by piece took control of them and of their publication)

(‘Overbeck’ eventually suffered dismissal, and ‘Gast’ finally cooperated)

(after the death of Franziska in 1897 Nietzsche lived in ‘Weimar’, where Elisabeth cared for him and allowed people, including ‘Rudolf Steiner’ (who in 1895 had written one of the first books praising Nietzsche) to visit her uncommunicative brother)

(‘Elisabeth’ at one point went so far as to employ Steiner – at a time when he was still an ardent fighter against any mysticism – as a tutor to help her to understand her brother’s philosophy)

(Steiner abandoned the attempt after only a few months, declaring that it was impossible to teach her anything about philosophy)

(moved back in with mommy)

(had several strokes)

(Nietzsche’s mental illness was originally diagnosed as ‘tertiary syphilis’, in accordance with a prevailing medical paradigm of the time)

(although most commentators regard his breakdown as unrelated to his philosophy ‘Georges Bataille’ drops dark hints (“”man incarnate” must also go mad”) and René Girard’s postmortem psychoanalysis posits a worshipful rivalry with ‘Richard Wagner’)

(the diagnosis of ‘syphilis’ was challenged, and manic-depressive illness with ‘periodic psychosis’, followed by ‘vascular dementia’ was put forward by Cybulska prior Schain’s; and Sax’s studies; Orth and Trimble postulate ‘frontotemporal dementia’, while other researchers propose a syndrome called “CADASIL”)

(in 1898 and 1899 Nietzsche suffered at least 2 strokes, which partially paralysed him and left him unable to speak or walk)

(after contracting ‘pneumonia’ in mid-August 1900 he had another stroke during the night of August 24 / August 25, and died about noon on August 25)

(Elisabeth had him buried beside his father at the church in ‘Röcken bei Lützen’)

(his friend, ‘Gast’, gave his funeral oration, proclaiming: “Holy be your name to all future generations!”)

(‘Nietzsche’ had written in Ecce Homo (at the time of the funeral still unpublished) of his fear that one day his name would be regarded as “holy”)

(‘Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche’ compiled The Will to Power from Nietzsche’s unpublished notebooks, and published it posthumously)

(because his sister arranged the book based on her own conflation of several of Nietzsche’s early outlines, and took great liberties with the material, the consensus holds that it does not reflect Nietzsche’s intent)

(indeed, ‘Mazzino Montinari’, the editor of Nietzsche’s Nachlass, called it a forgery in “the ‘Will to Power’ does not exist”)

(for example, Elisabeth removed ‘aphorism 35’ of The Antichrist, where Nietzsche rewrote a passage of the ‘Bible’)




“eternal recurrence”

*repeat ‘ad nauseum’*






👈👈👈☜*“GURUS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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