"catholic priests"





(“priest” in ‘english’)
(“kaplan” in ‘german’)


(the ‘ministerial orders’ of the ‘roman catholic church’ are those of…)


(more commonly called ‘priest’ in ”english’)


(the ‘ordained priesthood’ and the ‘common priesthood’ (or ‘priesthood’ of all the ‘baptized faithful’) are different in ‘function’ and ‘essence’)

(the ‘catholic church’ teaches that when a man participates in ‘priesthood’, he participates in the “‘priesthood’ of ‘christ himself'”)

“whatever the hell that means…”
“most likely more ‘word salad’…”

(all men who (through the sacrament of ‘holy orders’) have become ‘priests’ participate in christ’s ‘priesthood’; they act in ‘persona christi capitis’ (latin (?) for “in the person of ‘christ’) as the “head of his body” (aka ‘the church’))

(unlike usage in ‘english’, the latin words sacerdos and sacerdotium are used to refer in general to the ‘ministerial priesthood’ shared by ‘bishops’ and ‘presbyters’)

(the words presbyterpresbyterium, and presbyteratus refer to priests in the english use of the word or “presbyters”)

(according to the annuario pontificio (2016), as of ’31 december 2014′, there were 415,792 catholic priests worldwide, including both ‘diocesan priests’ and ‘priests’ in the ‘religious orders’)

(a ‘priest’ of the ‘regular clergy’ is commonly addressed with the title “father” (abbreviated ‘fr’ in the ‘roman catholic’ and some other ‘christian’ churches))

(the state of ‘consecrated life’ or ‘monasticism’ is a separate, third distinct ‘vocational state’ from the ‘clergy’ and the ‘laity’)

(as an overview, there are the members of the ‘laity’ (who can be ‘married’ or ‘unmarried’) and the ‘clergy’ (the ‘bishops’, ‘priests’, and ‘deacons’)

(members of institutes of ‘consecrated life’ (aka ‘monks’) can be either ‘clergy’ or ‘non-ordained members’ of the ‘religious order’)

(‘male’ or ‘female’ non-ordained ‘religious’ are not to be considered ‘laypersons’ in the ‘strict sense’)

(they take certain ‘vows’ and are not free to ‘marry’ once they have made ‘solemn profession of vows’)

(all ‘female religious’ are ‘non-ordained’)

(meaning they may be either) –>

(‘sisters’ living to some degree of activity in a ‘communal state’)


(‘nuns’ living in a ‘cloister’ or some other type of ‘isolation’)

(the male members of ‘religious orders’ (whether living in ‘monastic communities’ or “cloistered in isolation”) and who are ‘ordained priests’ or ‘deacons’ constitute what is called the (‘religious’ or ‘regular’ clergy), distinct from the ‘diocesan’ (or ‘secular’) clergy)


(those ‘ordained priests’ or ‘deacons’ who are not members of some sort of ‘religious order’ (aka ‘secular priests’) most often serve as ‘clergy’ to a specific church or in an office of a specific ‘diocese’ or in ‘rome’)














🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥