*rudy giuliani*

2019 Rudolph Giuliani, Ex-Prefeito de Nova York - 48789790128 (cropped).jpg
*24 SEPTEMBER 2019*
*age 75*




rudolph william louis giuliani

(born ’28 may 1944′)

NYC mayor from 1994 – 2001

(american lawyer, businessman, former politician, and public speaker from new york)

Politically a Democrat, then an Independent in the 1970s, and a Republican since the 1980s, Giuliani was the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York during the 1980s. Giuliani prosecuted pivotal cases against the American Mafia, and against corrupt corporate financiers.

During his first term as mayor of New York City, Giuliani hired a new police commissioner, William Bratton, who applied the broken windows theory of urban decay, which holds that minor disorders and violations create a permissive atmosphere that leads to further and more serious crimes that can threaten the safety of a city.

Within several years, Giuliani was widely credited for major improvements in the city’s quality of life, and in lowering the rate of violent crimes.

While still Mayor, Giuliani ran for the U.S. Senate in 2000; however, he withdrew from the race upon learning of his prostate cancer diagnosis.

(giuliani was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year for 2001, and was given an honorary knighthood in 2002 by the United Kingdom’s Queen Elizabeth II)

In 2002, Giuliani founded Giuliani Partners (security consulting), acquired and later sold Giuliani Capital Advisors (investment banking), and joined a Texas firm while opening a Manhattan office for the firm renamed Bracewell & Giuliani (legal services).

Giuliani sought the Republican Party’s 2008 presidential nomination, and was considered the early front runner in the race, before withdrawing from the race to endorse the eventual nominee, John McCain.

Giuliani was considered a potential candidate for New York Governor in 2010 and for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012


(however, giuliani declined all races, and instead remained in the business sector)













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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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