
“the mojave desert”


-as of [2 APRIL 2024]




*AKA* –>



-the instant at which the ‘upper edge’ of the ‘sun’ appears over the ‘horizon’ in the ‘morning’


(the term can also refer to the entire process of the sun crossing the horizon and its accompanying atmospheric effects)

(the ‘sun’ will rise exactly due east at the ‘spring equinox’ + ‘fall equinox’, which each occur only once a year)

(although the ‘sun’ appears to “rise” from the horizon, it is actually the earth’s motion that causes the ‘sun’ to appear)

(the illusion of a moving ‘sun’ results from ‘earth observers’ being in a ‘rotating reference frame’)

(this ‘apparent motion’ is so convincing that most cultures had ‘mythologies’ + ‘religions’ built around the ‘geocentric model’, which prevailed until astronomer ‘nicolaus copernicus first formulated the ‘heliocentric model’ in the ‘1500s’)


(architect ‘buckminster fuller’ proposed the terms ‘sun-sight’ + ‘sun-clipse’ to better represent the ‘helio-centric model’, though the terms have not entered into ‘common language’)








👈👈👈☜*“MORNING”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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