“the celtic languages”



(the celtic languages (usually pronounced /ˈkɛltɪk/ but sometimes /ˈsɛltɪk/) are descended from ‘proto-celtic’, or “common celtic”; a branch of the greater ‘indo-european’ language family)

(the term “celtic” was first used to describe this ‘language group’ by ‘edward lhuyd’ in ‘1707’, following ‘paul-yves pezron’ who had already made the ‘explicit link’ between the ‘celts’ described by ‘classical writers’ and the ‘welsh’ and ‘breton’ languages)

(‘modern celtic languages’ are mostly spoken on the ‘northwestern edge’ of ‘europe’, notably in) –>






the ”isle’ of ‘man”

and the are also a substantial number of Welsh speakers in the Patagonia area of Argentina and there are also speakers of Scottish Gaelic on Cape Breton Island off ‘Nova Scotia’)

(some people speak celtic languages in the other Celtic diaspora areas of the United States, Canada, Australia, and ‘New Zealand’)

(in all these areas, the celtic languages are now only spoken by minorities though there are continuing efforts at ‘revitalization’)

(‘welsh’ is the only celtic language not classified as “endangered” by UNESCO)

(during the ‘1st millennium BC’, they were spoken across much of ‘europe’, in the ‘iberian peninsula’, from the ‘Atlantic’ and ‘North Sea’ coastlines, up to the ‘rhine valley’ and down the Danube valley to the Black Sea, the northern Balkan Peninsula and in central ‘asia minor’)

(the spread to ‘cape breton’ and ‘patagonia’ occurred in modern times)


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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