“the irish language”



*AKA* –>




(“irish” is a ‘goidelic language’ of the ‘indo-european language family’ originating in ‘ireland’ and historically spoken by the ‘irish people’)


(‘irish’ is spoken as a ‘first language’ by a small minority of ‘irish people’, and as a ‘second language’ by a ‘rather larger group’ of ‘non-native speakers’)

(‘irish’ enjoys ‘constitutional status’ as the ‘national’ (+ ‘first official’) language of the ‘republic of ireland’, and is an ‘officially recognized minority language’ in ‘northern ireland’)

(it is also among the ‘official languages’ of the ‘european union’)

(the public body ‘foras na gaeilge’ is responsible for the promotion of the language throughout the island of ‘ireland’)

(‘irish’ was the predominant language of the ‘irish’ people for most of their ‘recorded history’, and they brought it with them to other regions (notably ‘scotland’ + the ‘isle of man’), where ‘middle irish’ gave rise to ‘scottish gaelic’ + ‘manx’ respectively)

(it has the ‘oldest vernacular literature’ in ‘western europe’)

(the fate of the ‘language’ was influenced by the increasing power of the ‘english state’ in ‘ireland’)

(‘elizabethan officials’ viewed the use of ‘irish’ unfavorably, as being a threat to all things ‘english’ in ‘ireland’)

(its decline began under ‘english rule’ in the ‘1600s’)

(in the latter part of the ‘1800s’, there was a dramatic decrease in the # of speakers, beginning after the ‘great famine of 1845 – 1852’…)

(…when ‘ireland’ lost 20–25% of its ‘population’ either to ’emigration’ or ‘death’)

(‘irish-speaking areas’ were hit especially hard)


(by the end of ‘british rule’, the language was spoken by less than 15% of the ‘national population’)

(since then, ‘irish speakers’ have been in the ‘minority’)

(this is now the case even in some areas officially designated as part of the ‘gaeltacht’)


(efforts have been made by —– the ‘state’ / ‘individuals’ / ‘organizations’ —– to — ‘preserve’ / ‘promote’ / ‘revive’ — the language…)

*but results have been ‘mixed’ (at best)*

(around the turn of the ‘2000s’, estimates of ‘native speakers’ ranged from ‘20,000’ – ‘80,000’ people)

(in the ‘2006 census’ for the ‘republic’, ‘85,000 people’ reported using ‘irish’ as a ‘daily language’ outside of the ‘education system’)

(…+ ‘1.2 million people’ reported using it at least ‘occasionally’ in or out of ‘school’)


(in the ‘2011 census’, these numbers had increased to…)

*94,000 ‘daily users’*

1.3 million ‘occasional users’*


(there are several thousand ‘irish speakers’ in ‘northern ireland’)

(it has been estimated that the ‘active irish-language scene’ probably comprises 5% to 10% of ireland’s population)

(there has been a significant increase in the number of ‘urban irish speakers’)

(particularly in ‘dublin’)


(this community, described as ‘disparate’ but — ‘large’ / ‘well-educated’ / (mostly) ‘middle class’ — enjoys a lively ‘cultural life’ + has been linked to the growth of ‘non-mainstream schools’ which teach through the medium of ‘irish’)

(in ‘gaeltacht’ areas, however, there has been a general decline of the use of ‘irish’)

(it has been predicted that, within 10 years, ‘irish’ will no longer be the ‘primary language’ in any of the designated ‘gaeltacht’ areas)

(‘survey data’ suggest that most ‘irish people’ think highly of ‘the irish language’ as a ‘symbolic marker’ of ‘identity’, but that few think of it as having a ‘practical value’)

(it has also been argued that newer ‘urban groups’ of ‘irish speakers’ are a disruptive force in this respect, since their aim is to make the language a ‘practical instrument of communication’)















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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