“television journals”

*OCTOBER 2015*

(the ‘motel television’ broke down in ‘early 2015’)

(i’ve been TV-free ever since)

i’m starting to watch tons of television again.  

it’s good to soak up what little is left of our culture every couple years or so.

as an obsessive-compulsive child, i’d watch the first channel on the lineup.

that way, there were less decisions to make. because i don’t like channel-surfing. or making decisions

watching television…

fresh start tomorrow

(after another unproductive TV evening)

more TV and internet videos

watching lots of TV…

the channels have changed on the TV…less of them now…

(cheap bastards)

(re-downloading the ‘program guide info’ on the ‘TV’)


“it’s the art of television, isn’t it?”

(‘mailer’ to “janet flanner”)
(on ’15 december 1971′ episode of “the dick cavett show”)
(“song for dick”)
(1968 – 1986)
(‘flanner’ would kick the bucket in ‘1978’)
(she was ‘american’ no less!)
(then what’s with that ‘british-sounding’ accent?)
(writer for “the new yorker”)
(born in ‘indiana’)
(and one of the first bonafide ‘lesbians’!)

(she was ~ ’80’ in this clip)
(she died at ~ ‘age 87’ in NYC)
(with her ‘lesbian lover’)
(ala ‘gertrude stein’)

(‘mailer’ was ~ ’48’)

(jewish-american writer)

(born in ‘long branch’ / ‘NJ’)

(“monmouth county”)

(near ‘family vacation home”?)

(died in ‘2007’)

(‘age 84’)

(lots of wives)

(lots of kids)

(very straight)

(‘gore vidal’ was ~ ’46’)
(american writer)
(one of first ‘openly gay’ american men?)
(died in ‘2012’)
(age 87)

(‘dick cavett’ was ~ ’35’)

(he had been doing the show for ~ ‘3 years’)

(born in nebraska)

(as of 2018, he’s made it to ’82’)

(no children of his own)

(married ‘carolyn nye mcgeoy’ in ‘1964’)

(they were both ’18’)

(students @ ‘yale school of drama’)

(from ‘mississippi’)

(she died in ‘2006’)

(‘age 72’)

(‘lung cancer’)

(she died in ‘manhattan’)

(‘step-children’ from marriage to second wife)

(in 2010)

(‘4 years’ after death of ‘first wife’)

(“martha rogers”)

(“business professor” / “author”)

(“university of tennessee”)

(she was ’55’ when they were married)

(“…but i digress…”)






👈👈👈☜*THE ‘ART’ OF ‘TELEVISION’* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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