*a ‘vitamin deficiency’ can cause a ‘disease’ (or ‘syndrome’) known as an “avita-minosis” or “hypo-vitaminosis”*
(this usually refers to a ‘long-term deficiency’ of a ‘vitamin’)
“how long?”
“how much time i got left, doc?”
When caused by inadequate nutrition it can be classed as a primary deficiency,
and when due to an underlying disorder such as malabsorption it can be classed as a secondary deficiency.
An underlying disorder may be metabolic as in a defect converting tryptophan to niacin.
(it can also be the result of lifestyle choices including smoking and alcohol consumption)
Examples are
vitamin A deficiency,
folate deficiency,
vitamin D deficiency,
vitamin E deficiency, and
vitamin K deficiency
(in the medical literature, any of these may also be called by names on the pattern of hypovitaminosis or avitaminosis + [letter of vitamin], for example…)
‘hypovitaminosis A’
‘hypovitaminosis C’
‘hypovitaminosis D’
(conversely, ‘hypervitaminosis’ is the ‘syndrome’ of ‘symptoms’ caused by ‘over-retention’ of ‘fat-soluble vitamins’ in the ‘body’)