*the international phonetic alphabet*

(aka ‘IPA’)
(the ‘english way’)




(as of ’30 september 2020′)


*the international phonetic alphabet (IPA) is an ‘alphabetic system’ of ‘phonetic notation’ based primarily on the ‘latin alphabet’*


(as of the most recent change in ‘2005’, the IPA has…)

‘107 letters’

’52 diacritics’

‘4 prosodic marks’


(it was devised by the ‘international phonetic association’ in the ‘late 19th century’ as a ‘standardized representation’ of the ‘sounds’ of ‘spoken language’)


(the ‘IPA’ is used by…)


‘foreign language students

‘foreign language teachers’


‘speech-language pathologists’



‘constructed language creators’



(“and most likely many many more we’re forgettin’…”)


(the ‘IPA’ is designed to represent only those qualities of ‘speech’ that are part of ‘oral language’…)




*separation of ‘words’ + ‘syllables’*


(to represent additional qualities of ‘speech’ [such as ‘tooth gnashing’, ‘lisping’ / sounds made with a ‘cleft lip’ + ‘cleft palate’)], an extended set of symbols (the ‘extensions’ to the ‘international phonetic alphabet’), may be used)


(just wait until they discover a ‘child prodigy’ singer with a ‘cleft palate’…)
(…which brings with it ‘fame’ and ‘fortune’ due to the cleft palate’s mellifluous (/ ‘sonorous’) effects on the quality and tone of his ‘singing voice’)

(modern ‘castrato’)
(‘covertly  castrated’)



(‘IPA symbols’ are composed of 1 or more ‘elements’ of ‘2 basic types’…)




(for example, the sound of the english letter ⟨t⟩ may be transcribed in ‘IPA’ with a single letter, [t], or with a ‘letter’ plus ‘diacritics’ ( [tʰ] ) depending on how ‘precise’ one wishes to be)

(often, ‘slashes’ are used to signal ‘broad’ (aka ‘phonemic’) transcription; thus, /t/ is less specific than, and could refer to, either [tʰ] or [t], depending on the ‘context’ and ‘language’)

(occasionally ‘letters’ (or ‘diacritics’) are (‘added’ / ‘removed’ / ‘modified’) by the ‘international phonetic association’)

(as of the most recent change in ‘2005’, there are (‘107 letters’ / ’52 diacritics’ / ‘4 prosodic marks’) in the ‘IPA’)


(these are shown in the current ‘IPA chart’, posted below in this article and at the website of the ‘IPA’)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“ALPHABETS”*











🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥