-the mole-


-as of [9 APRIL 2024]




(6:02AM / 6:02PM)

(so that the time can be expressed as 6:02 10/23)

(resembling 6.02 × 1023)


-the mole is the ‘unit of measurement’ for amount of substance in the ‘international system of units’ (SI)-


(named derived from german word for ‘molecule’)


(the unit is defined as the amount or sample of a ‘chemical substance’ that contains as many constitutive ‘particles’ — (e.g., ‘atoms’ / ‘molecules’ / ‘ions’ / ‘electrons’/ ‘photons’) —as there are ‘atoms’ in ’12 grams’ of ‘carbon-12’ (12C), the ‘isotope’ of ‘carbon’ with ‘standard atomic weight’ 12 by definition)


(this number is expressed by the ‘avogadro constant’, which has a value of approximately 6.02214076×1023 mol−1)

(which is just over 602 sextillion (thousand million million million))


(the ‘mole’ is an SI base unit, with the unit symbol ‘mol’)


(at its next meeting in ‘november 2018’ the CGPM is expected to accept the proposed redefinition of the ‘mole’, ‘kilogram’, ‘ampere’, and ‘kelvin’, which will define the mole to have exactly 6.02214076×1023 elementary entities)

(the ‘mole’ is widely used in ‘chemistry’ as a convenient way to express amounts of ‘reactants’ and ‘products’ of ‘chemical reactions’)

(for example, the chemical equation 2 H2 + O2 → 2H2O can be interpreted to mean that 2 mol dihydrogen (H2) and 1 mol dioxygen (O2) react to form 2 mol water (H2O))

(the ‘mole’ may also be used to represent the # of ‘atoms’, ‘ions’, or other ‘entities’ in a given ‘sample’ of a ‘substance’)

(the ‘concentration’ of a ‘solution’ is commonly expressed by its ‘molarity’, defined as the “amount of dissolved substance per unit volume of solution”, for which the unit typically used is ‘moles per liter’ (mol/l))

(the number of molecules per mole is known as Avogadro’s constant, and is defined such that the mass of one mole of a substance, expressed in grams, is equal to the mean relative molecular mass of the substance)

(the term gram-molecule was formerly used for essentially the same concept)

(the term gram-atom has been used for a related but distinct concept, namely a ‘quantity’ of a substance that contains ‘avogadro’s number’ of atoms, whether isolated or combined in ‘molecules’)

(thus, for example, 1 mole of MgBr2 is 1 gram-molecule of MgBr2 but 3 gram-atoms of MgBr2)

(in honor of the unit, some chemists celebrate October 23, which is a reference to the 1023 scale of the Avogadro constant, as “Mole Day”)


(some also do the same for ‘february 6th’ + ‘june 2nd’, in reference to the multiplier 6.02 of the “avogadro constant”)








👈👈👈☜*“MOLAR MASS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥