



(french publisher)


(wisconsin publisher)


*’publishing’ is the ‘dissemination’ of ‘literature’, ‘music’, or ‘information’ — the activity of “making information available to the general public”*


(in some cases, ‘authors’ may be their own ‘publishers’, meaning ‘originators’ and ‘developers’ of ‘content’ also provide ‘media’ to ‘deliver’ and ‘display’ the ‘content’ for the same)

(also, the word ‘publisher’ can refer to the individual who leads a ‘publishing company’ or an ‘imprint’ or to a ‘person’ who owns / heads a ‘magazine’)

(traditionally, the term refers to the ‘distribution of ‘printed works’ such as ‘books’ (the “book trade”) and ‘newspapers”)

(with the advent of ‘digital information systems’ and the ‘internet’, the scope of ‘publishing’ has expanded to include ‘electronic resources’ such as the ‘electronic versions’ of ‘books’ and ‘periodicals’, as well as ‘micropublishing’, ‘websites’,’ blogs’, ‘video game publishers’, and the like)


(‘publishing’ includes the following ‘stages of development’…)


‘copy editing’


(and its ‘electronic equivalents’)




(‘publication’ is also important as a ‘legal concept’)

(as the process of giving ‘formal notice’ to the world of a ‘significant intention’)

(for example, to ‘marry’ or enter ‘bankruptcy’)

(as the ‘essential pre-condition’ of being able to claim ‘defamation’)
(that is, the alleged ‘libel’ must have been published)

(for ‘copyright purposes’, where there is a difference in the ‘protection’ of ‘published’ + ‘unpublished’ works)


(there are 2 basic ‘business models’ in ‘book publishing’…)


*’traditional’ (or ‘commercial’) publishers* –>

(the traditional publisher does not charge authors at all to publish their books)

(in exchange for certain rights to publish the work and paying a ‘royalty’ on books sold)



“self-publishing” –>

(the author has to meet the total expense to get the book published)

(the author should retain full rights)

(also known as ‘vanity publishing’)

(‘vanity publishing’ would probably be considere a ‘derogatory term’)
(akin to the mass proliferation of ‘bedroom rock (music)’)






👈👈👈☜*“LITERATURE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥