


*web-based music streaming service*




*’deezer’ is a ‘french online music streaming service’*


(it allows users to listen to ‘music content’ from ‘record labels’, including…)

‘universal music group’


‘sony music’


‘warner music group’
(owned by deezer’s parent company ‘access industries’)


(…on various devices ‘online’ or ‘offline’)



(created in ‘paris’ (/ ‘france’), ‘deezer’ currently has…)
(as of ‘january 2019’)

*’56 million licensed tracks’ in its library*


*over 30,000 radio channels*


*14 million monthly active users*


*7 million paid subscribers*



(the service is available for…)




‘windows mobile’

‘blackberry OS’ 





*31 MAY 2015*

(sales date was ’15 december 2014′)

(a stream of “midlife crisis” from tabula rasa)

(paid on ’30 may 2015′)



(launched ’22 august 2007′)

(affiliated with ‘CDbaby’)






👈👈👈☜*“THE MUSIC INDUSTRY”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥