
This is a logo for DistroKid.png


-as of [19 DECEMBER 2023]









-‘distro-kid’ is an ‘independent digital music distribution service’-

(founded in 2013 by entrepreneur ‘philip J. “pud” kaplan’)






|’distro-kid’ principally offers ‘musicians’ (+ other ‘rights-holders’ the opportunity to ‘distribute’ / ‘sell’ or stream their music through online retailers such as…|




‘amazon music’

‘google play music’




(and others)


(in ‘july 2015’, a ‘DistroKid release’ by musical act ‘jack & jack’ went to #1 worldwide in the ‘iTunes charts’)

(this was particularly notable because ‘DistroKid’ does not take a ‘commission of royalties, making this the first time a #1 charting artist was able to keep 100% of their earnings)

(in ‘may 2016’, DistroKid launched a feature called “teams” that makes it possible for ‘royalties’ to be automatically sent to ‘collaborators’ + ‘shareholders’)


[since then, ‘distrokid’ has made several other developments including partnering with ‘spotify’ to support ‘cross-platform uploads’ for ‘spotify artists’ who upload directly or have ‘direct licensing deals’ with the company + an investment from ‘silversmith capital partners’]


















👈👈👈☜*-THE MUSIC INDUSTRY-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥