Month: November 2013
“land down under” (v1)
[bandcamp width=100% height=120 album=124831281 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 tracklist=false artwork=small track=3621195493] — ********************************************************************************************** (***BACK TO “LAND DOWN UNDER” (TRACKS)***) ********************************************************************************************** — ******************************************** *TABLE OF CONTENTS* ******************************************** […]
“whipping post” (outro) – (‘our songs’)
“LAND DOWN UNDER” (Aminor) — ********************************************************************************************** (***BACK TO “CUT AND PASTE”***) ********************************************************************************************** — ******************************************** *TABLE OF CONTENTS* ******************************************** ********************************************************************************************** ******************************************** *WE WON THE WAR* ******************************************** […]
. . “pera SEE ta mal” *PRONUNCIATION AUDIO LINK* . -as of [2 MARCH 2024]– . N-acetyl–para-aminophenol *also known in ‘north america’ as…* ‘acetaminophen‘ ‘APAP‘ […]
*’speakerboxxx’ / ‘the love below’*
. *23 SEPTEMBER 2003*(i was 19)(beginning ‘year 2’ @ harvard) . ‘SPEAKERBOXXX’ ‘INTRO’ ‘GHETTO MUSICK’(groan) ‘UNHAPPY’(groan) ‘BOWTIE’ ‘THE WAY YOU MOVE’ ‘THE ROOSTER’ ‘BUST’(groan) ‘WAR’(groan) […]
“come clean”
. *28 AUGUST 2001* *11 SONGS* . (2001 “puddle of mudd” album) (released ’28 august 2001′) (i had just turned 17) (getting ready to apply […]
*MUSICAL THEME” . *a day of celebration for the bots* . (as they believe that leo will serve as redeemer of the straights and augur […]
. *1979 ZZ TOP ALBUM* ’34 MINUTES’ / ‘3 SECONDS’* *10 SONGS* *average song length of ‘3 minutes’ / ’25 seconds’* . *SIDE 1* “I […]
“cheap sunglasses” (lyrics)
*REFERENCE LINKS* — VERSE 1: when you wake up in the morning and the light is hurt your head… ….the first thing you do when […]