






(“herod” is a name used by several kings belonging to the Herodian Dynasty of the Roman province of “judaea”)

First generation – the founder of the dynasty

Herod the Great (born c. 74, ruled 37–4 BC), client king of Judea who rebuilt the Second Temple (in Jerusalem)

second generation (sons of ‘herod the great’)

Herod Archelaus (born 23 BC, ruled 4 BC–c. AD 18), ethnarch of Samaria, Judea, and Idumea

Herod Antipas (born 21 BC, ruled 4 BC–AD 39), tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea. In the New Testament as “Herod the Tetrarch” or “Herod”, who orders the death of John the Baptist and mocks Jesus

Philip the Tetrarch or Herod Philip II, (born c. 20 BC, ruled 4 BC–AD 34), tetrarch of Iturea, Trachonitis, and Batanaea

Herod II or Herod Philip I (c. 27 BC–33 AD), father of the Salome in Mark 6:21-29; did not rule over any territory

Third generation – the grandsons of Herod the Great

Herod Agrippa (born c. 11 BC, ruled AD 41–44), client king of Judaea, called “King Herod” or “Herod” in Acts 12 of the New Testament

Herod of Chalcis (died AD 48), also known as Herod II or Herod V, king of Chalcis (r. AD 41–48)

Fourth generation – the great-grandson of Herod the Great”)

(“herod agrippa II” (born AD 27, ruled 48–c. 92), ruled Chalcis, then parts of Herod the Great’s kingdom; described in Acts of the Apostles as “King Agrippa” before whom “paul the apostle” defended himself)

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