“king of the cats”

(TBR 2020)

(a 21st century musical adventurer)

his highness takes the audience on an epic journey from hell to heaven as a local weirdo is framed for the kidnapping of two young girls and forced to go on the lam (only to uncover a harem run by dirty old men)


(a 21st-century music drama)
(words and music by JoGa)
(*we won the war*)

(slated to premiere 5 august 2014)

*”abbey road” on steroids*
(and lots more marijuana!)

the struggle of “Boy E”, a jersey-bred good ole boy born into a land ruled by meatheads.  a greek chorus (performed by the local children’s choir handpicked from the town in which the performance is staged) provides commentary as the story progresses…

(to introduce the performance, an accelerated representation of human evolution is projected…from the “big bang” to the most advanced primate of present day…to be followed by an animated depiction of a 21st century “day in the life”…)

a local “weirdo” (/ village “idiot”), is framed for the kidnapping of two local schoolgirls. his family corroborates the falsified reports of corrupt cops and he is then sent to prison pending trial.  with the help of his loyal network of multi-skilled “chung chums”, he breaks out of prison and subsequently commits to a life on the lam.  he finally makes his way to the amalgam that is new york city, where after a multitude of misadventures he is eventually able to board an airplane to great britain and launch the long-overdue “reverse british invasion”.  upon arrival on the limey isles, boy E soon becomes immersed in his very first proper psychedelic adventure whereupon his “past masters” (or rather what he imagines them to be) provide further instruction to be utilized on his journey. fueled by memories of the misdirected affections of his secondary school peers, he makes his way to post-fascist “joymeny”…whereupon he finds the same old societal cries collectively bubbling up to the surface once again.  instead of acquiescing, he sends out a series of letters to his beloved all-american teen sweetheart and heads for his alleged homeland of italia.  there he finds the post-roman populace fearing for their collective safety due to the influx of swarthy dogmatic arabians.  embarking on a messianic tour through the so-called “holy land”, boy E directs all warring factions towards the origins of all humanity.  this semitic migration (and subsequent colonization) generates a “world war” unlike ever experienced before…culminating in a team of single-minded autistic jap scientists heralding boy E as the heir to their decades-in-development “brain wave” machine….what ensues has repercussions which implicate (and ultimately elevate) the entire human race…

after a tour through the most brutal, pleasurable, and inspirational facets of human emotion (think “divine comedy”), boy E wills a most thoroughly shocking climax to a final saga that will leave even the most liberal-minded fan squirming in his/her respective seat…

(*bears absolutely no resemblance to english fairy tale of same name*)
(as worlds apart as tolkien’s and wagner’s respective rings)
(besides back then it was the ‘king o’ the cats’)
(oh those brits and their knack for linguistic brevity!)
(aside from the gaelic tendency towards extraneous ‘k’s)
(which we’re willing to forgive everytime we order at an irish pub)
(just as long as the corned beef isn’t overcooked)