*'republic' of 'ireland'*







‘irish’ –> eire [ˈeːɾʲə]

also described as the “republic of ireland”

(Poblacht na hÉireann)


*”ireland” is a ‘sovereign state’ in ‘northwestern europe’ occupying about ‘5/6’ of the island of ‘ireland’*


(the ‘capital’ and ‘largest city’ is “dublin”, which is located on the ‘eastern part’ of the island, and whose ‘metropolitan area is home’ to around ‘1/3’ of the country’s ‘4.75 million inhabitants’)

(the state shares its only land border with “northern ireland”, a part of the “united kingdom”)

(it is otherwise surrounded by the “atlantic ocean”, with the “celtic sea” to the ‘south’, “saint george’s channel” to the ‘southeast’, and the “irish sea” to the ‘east’)

(it is a ‘unitary’ + ‘parliamentary’ republic)

(the ‘legislature’ (aka the oireachtas) consists of a ‘lower house’ (aka dáil eireann), an ‘upper house’ (aka seanad eireann‘) and an elected “president” (uachtarán) who serves as the largely ceremonial head of state, but with some important powers and duties)

(the head of government is the taoiseach (prime minister, literally ‘chief’, a title not used in english), who is elected by the “dáil” and appointed by the president, and appoints other government ministers)

(the state was created as the “irish free state” in ‘1922’ as a result of the “anglo-irish treaty”)

(it had the ‘status of dominion’ until ‘1937’ when a new ‘constitution’ was adopted, in which the state was named “ireland” and effectively became a ‘republic’, with an ‘elected non-executive president’ as ‘head of state’)

(it was officially declared a ‘republic’ in ‘1949’ (following the “republic of ireland act’ in ‘1948’))

(‘ireland’ became a member of the ‘united nations’ in ‘december 1955’)

(it joined the ‘european economic community’ (aka ‘EEC’) on ‘1973’)

(‘EEC’ was predecessor of the ‘european union’)

(the state had no ‘formal relations’ with ‘northern ireland’ for most of the ’20th century’, but during the ‘1980s’ and ‘1990s’ the ‘british’ and ‘irish’ governments worked with the ‘northern ireland parties’ towards a resolution to “the troubles”)

(since the signing of the “good friday agreement’ in ‘1998’, the ‘irish government’ and ‘northern ireland executive’ have coooperated on a number of ‘policy areas’ under the ‘north-south ministerial council’ created by the “agreement”)

(“ireland” ranks among the ‘top 25 wealthiest countries in the world’ in terms of ‘GDP per capita’))

(‘ireland’ is considered the ‘most prosperous country in the world’)
(according to the” legatum prosperity index 2015″)

(after joining the ‘EEC’, ‘ireland’ enacted a series of ‘liberal economic policies’ that resulted in ‘rapid economic growth’)

(the country achieved considerable ‘prosperity’ from ‘1995’ to ‘2007’, which became known as the “celtic tiger period”)

(this was halted by an unprecedented ‘financial crisis’ that began in ‘2008’, in conjunction with the concurrent ‘global economic crash’)

(however, as the ‘irish economy’ was the ‘fastest-growing’ in the ‘EU’ in ‘2015’, ‘ireland’ is again quickly ascending ‘league tables’ comparing ‘wealth’ and ‘prosperity’ on an ‘international scale’)

(for example, in ‘2015’ ireland was ranked as the joint 6th (with ‘germany’) most developed country in the world by the “united nations human development index”)

(it also performs well in several ‘national performance metrics’, including ‘freedom of the press’, ‘economic freedom’, and “civil liberties”)

(‘ireland’ is a member of the “european union” and is a founding member of the “council of europe” and the ‘OECD’)

(the ‘irish government’ has followed a policy of ‘military neutrality’ through ‘non-alignment’ since immediately prior to ‘WWII’ and the country is consequently not a member of ‘NATO’)


(although ‘ireland’ is a ‘member’ in “partnership for peace”)








👈👈👈☜*“IRELAND”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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