
(/ˈʃiːə/; arabic: شيعة‎‎ Shīʿah, from Shīʻatu ʻAlī, “followers of ali”)


*”shia” is a branch of ‘islam’ which holds that the islamic prophet muhammad designated “ali ibn abi talib” as his successor (“caliph”)*


(“shia islam” primarily contrasts with “sunni islam”, whose adherents believe that ‘muhammad’ did not appoint a ‘successor’)

(instead they consider ‘abu bakr’ (who was appointed ‘caliph’ through a ‘shura’ / i.e. ‘consensus’) to be the correct “caliph”)

(adherents of ‘shia islam’ are called shias or the shi’a as a collective or shi’i individually)

(“shia islam” is the 2nd-largest branch of ‘islam’)
(in ‘2009’, ‘shia muslims’ constituted 10–13% of the world’s muslim population)

(“twelver shia” (Ithnā’ashariyyah) is the largest branch of “shia islam”)

(in 2012 it was estimated that perhaps 85% shias were “twelvers”)

(“shia islam” is based on the ‘quran’ and the message of the ‘islamic prophet muhammad’ attested in ‘hadith’, and on ‘hadith’ taught by their imams)

(‘shia’ consider ‘ali’ to have been ‘divinely appointed’ as the successor to ‘muhammad’, and as the first “imam”)

(analogous (in reverse) to ‘jesus’ and ‘mary’ in the ‘catholic’ / ‘protestant’ schism) (?)

(the shia also extend this “imami” doctrine to muhammad’s family, the ahl al-bayt (“the people of the house”), and some individuals among his descendants, known as imams, who they believe possess special ‘spiritual’ and political authority over the community, infallibility, and ther divinely-ordained traits) to


(although there are myriad shia ‘subsects’, modern shia islam has been divided into three main groupings: twelvers, ismailis and zaidis, with “twelver shia” being the largest and most influential group among “shia”)

















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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