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“baruch”*the male first name*

October 8, 2014 jogabot 2
(hebrew: בָּרוּךְ, Modern barukh, Tiberian bārûḵ “blessed” . (“baruch” has been a given name among ‘jews’ from ‘biblical times’ up to the present, on some occasions also […]
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“gustaf”*the male first name*

October 7, 2014 jogabot 3
***”THE GOLD STANDARD”*** . “ALTERNATE SPELLINGS” –>(‘according to’…???) “GUSTAV” (“do the ‘swedes’ tend to pronounce their “english F” sounds like “a “swedish ‘vee’?”)(sounds (awful) extraordinary!)(‘too […]
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“pictures of mark”

October 7, 2014 jogabot 2
– …(***BACK TO “MARK ZUCKERBERG”***)…—————————————————————–*TABLE OF CONTENTS*—————————————————————––—————————————————————–*”WE WON THE WAR”*—————————————————————––************************************************************************