"gustaf"*the male first name*



(‘according to’…???)


(“do the ‘swedes’ tend to pronounce their “english F” sounds like “a “swedish ‘vee’?”)
(sounds (awful) extraordinary!)
(‘too good’ to be ‘believed’…’)
(and boy, were we glad!)
(“when it didn’t turn out to be all that the neighbors had said…”)


‘IPA’ –> 









(‘male given name’ of likely “old swedish” origin, used mainly in) –>










‘the netherlands’



(possibly meaning “staff of the ‘geats’ (or ‘goths’) (or ‘gods’)”, possibly derived from the ‘old norse’ elements Gautr (“Geats”), Gutar/Gotar (“Goths”), goð ōs (“gods”) and the word stafr (“staff”))

(“swedish” ala “karina”)
(“such sweet swedes…’)

(another etymology speculates that the name may be of ‘Medieval Slavic’ origin, from the name Gostislav, a compound word for “glorious guest”, from the ‘Medieval Slavic’ words Gosti (“guest”) and slava (“glory”) and was adopted by migrating groups north and west into ‘Germany’ and ‘Scandinavia’)

(this name has been borne by 8 “Kings of Sweden”, including the 16th-century ‘Gustav Vasa’ and the current king, “Carl XVI Gustaf”)

(it is a common name for ‘swedish monarchs’ since the reign of ‘gustav vasa’)

(the name has entered other languages as well)

(in ‘French’ it is Gustave; in ‘Italian’ and in the ‘Portuguese’ and ‘Spanish’ language it is ‘Gustavo’)

(the ‘Latinised’ form is ‘Gustavus’)

(a side form of the name in ‘Swedish’ is ‘Gösta’)

(the name in ‘finnish’ is ‘kustaa’)

(in ‘icelandic’, it is written gústav or *gústaf*)






👈👈👈☜*“MALE FIRST NAMES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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  1. male names | *JoGa Jungle*
  2. “male names” (beginning with “G”) | *JoGa Jungle*
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