-back to bed-

-as of [30 MARCH 2024]













*”wilderness survival”*

(i went to ‘boy scout camp’ one summer @ camp winnebago when i was ~14 years old)

(for the “wilderness survival” merit badge we were required to sleep by ourselves in the woods (without any equipment) for a single night)

(i created a lean-to with sticks and slept on the flattest rock i could find (located near the ‘lake’))

(i was up most of the night preparing for a raccoon attack…)

‘sleeping bag’



‘bunk bed’


“the futon disasters”

0 for 2 with the futon

(japanese bed)

(harvard sophomore year disaster)

(i ordered a futon during my sophomore spring after will rodger moved out of the room…)

(brought the bed down to the basement and purchased a futon in boston so that i had more room to work with…)

(i really just wanted to impress the popular lacrosse players on the floor and induce them to hang out in my room…)

the futon was terribly uncomfortable…

(NYC East Village ‘broken futon’ disaster)

(liliana rose mocked me for this faux pas)

cheryl ordered me a futon but i stepped on it so many times while going to my computer that it finally snapped…

and i continued sleeping in it anyway…

so cheryl ordered me another futon…


(from ‘june 2012’ – ‘august 2013’, i slept on a bare mattress on a ‘hardwood floor’)



👈👈👈☜*“BACK TO SLEEP”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥