“the human egg”



(wikipic of “human ovum” observed fresh in the “liquor folliculi”)

(the “zona pellucida” is seen as a thick clear girdle surrounded by the cells of the “corona radiata”)

(the “egg” resembles our “sun”)

(especially its ‘corona’)

(aka “outer layer”)

(the egg itself shows a ‘central granular deutoplasmic area’ and a ‘peripheral clear layer’, and encloses the ‘germinal vesicle’, in which is seen the ‘germinal spot’)

(as drawn by english physician “henry gray”)

(1827 – 1861)

(author of “gray’s anatomy”)

(‘henry gray’ died at age 34)
(“confluent smallpox”)

(he caught it while caring for his 10-year-old nephew “charles gray”)
(who survived)


*AKA* –>



(the egg cell is the ‘female reproductive cell’ (aka ‘gamete’) in ‘oogamous organisms’)


(the egg cell is typically not capable of active movement, and it is much larger (visible to the naked eye) than the motile sperm cells)

(when ‘egg’ and ‘sperm’ fuse, a ‘diploid cell’ (the ‘zygote’) is formed, which rapidly grows into a new ‘organism’)

(the ‘organic vessel’ containing the zygote in which an animal embryo develops until it can survive on its own, at which point the animal ‘hatches’)



hard-boiled egg (v1)


hard-boiled egg (v2)


hard-boiled egg (v3)


(solar system is egg-shaped (as in “elliptical”))

egg yolk is yellow (like the sun)

(egg white and black space)
(white = life)
(black = death)

hard-boiled eggs:

eggs boiled in water long enough for egg white + egg yolk to solidify

*31 october 2014*

cheryl lynn brought me hard-boiled eggs…

i ate 2 eggs last night (and wrapped them in cheese)…

*5 june 2014*

hard-boiled eggs @ michael anthony’s apartment

(2 hard-boiled eggs)

easter food coma

hard-boiled eggs

3 eggs / milk / salt / taylor ham / bacon

(all mixed and burnt into a pan)

(and promptly passed out)

grilled two hamburger patties along with two microwave egg patties as a midnight snack

no hard-boiled egg in sight…

scuba is cooking eggs and potatoes

(i ate four sandwiches on hamburger buns)

(two with eggs in them)

(and vinegar / vegetable oil / salt / pepper for the eggs + potatoes)

i ate a container of mccaffrey’s egg salad…

then i got restless in bed and ate 2 egg mcmuffins

i walked to the market (through the snow)

got 8-pack of egg mcmuffins, peanut butter mnms, salt and vinegar potato chips, juicy juice grape juice


(last night i munched on…)

‘chips’ /

‘candy’ /

‘grape juice’ /

*2 ‘egg mcmuffins’*





*“GAMETE CELLS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥