(i should probably ‘go out’ tonight)
(and take advantage of the ‘princeton nightlife’ before the ‘princeton students’ end their ‘year’ and i’m duly evicted from the premises)
“permanently banned”
(some type of “extra-legal order”)
(implying “outside” (or “beyond”) the wall)
(‘they’ just DON’T WANT YOU THERE but they don’t quite know why)
(or at least they won’t ADMIT why)
(because i never committed a single “transgression” on campus that would warrant a ‘ban’)
i should go out while i still have some money to spare
(or just get other people to pay my door fees + drinks)
i’m a master at bumming cigarettes by now…
the whole point of “going out” is to eventually have sex with a girl…
(this hardly ever happens to me)
(i’ve had better luck meeting a girl @ a ‘strip club’ and having sex with her than meeting a girl @ a ‘bar’ and having sex with her)
(because ‘strippers’ are ‘sexual creatures’ by nature)
(the only time i picked up a girl after going out was when i went to a manhattan nightclub and picked up ‘samara miller’)
(and i couldn’t even reach ‘orgasm’)
(i used to be good at “making out with chicks in bars”)
*”strip clubs”*
*college “house parties”*
*manhattan dance clubs*