*fair division*



*’fair division’ is the ‘problem; of dividing a set of resources among several people who have an entitlement to them, such that each person receives their ‘due share’*


‘song of solomon’

(and that bone-headed story about seeing which woman would (appear to0 be more upset at the thought of cutting what they both claim to be their ‘baby’ in half)

(as if the ‘fake mother’ wouldnot even attempt to raise an objection to the ‘cutting’)


(this problem arises in various real-world settings, such as…)

‘division of inheritance’

‘partnership dissolutions’
(and subsequent release of ‘paired energy’)

‘divorce settlements’

‘electronic frequency allocation’

‘airport traffic management’

*exploitation of ‘earth observation satellites’*


(this is an ‘active research area’ in…) 


(especially ‘social choice theory’)

‘game theory’

‘dispute resolution’

(and more!)


(the central tenet of ‘fair division’ is that such a division should be performed by the players themselves, maybe using a ‘mediator’ but certainly not an ‘arbiter’ as only the players really know how they value the goods)

(whichs should be the ‘standard peace process’ going forward)

(apply to entire ‘middle east’ + continue through every ‘sovereign nation’)

(eliminate the middleman!)
(aka ‘the united states’ or similar ‘global superpower’)


(the archetypal ‘fair division algorithm’ is ‘divide’ + ‘choose’)


(it demonstrates that 2 agents with different ‘tastes’ can divide a ‘cake’ such that each of them believes that he got the ‘best piece’)

(in other words, a ‘re-wording’ of ‘capitalism’)

“nothing to see here, folks…”

(the research in ‘fair division’ can be seen as an extension of this procedure to various more ‘complex’ settings)


(there are many different kinds of ‘fair division problems’, depending on…)

*the nature of ‘goods’ to ‘divide’*

*the criteria for ‘fairness’*

*the nature of the ‘players’ + their ‘preferences’*

(…and other criteria for evaluating the ‘quality’ of the ‘division’)








👈👈👈☜*“THE SCORE”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥