“the english wikipedia”





*the english wikipedia is the ‘english-language’ edition of the free online encyclopedia ‘wikipedia’*


(founded on ’15 january 2001′, it is the 1st edition of ‘wikipedia’ and (as of ‘november 2017’) has the most ‘articles’ of any of the ‘editions’)

“just goes to show how we ‘english speakers’ get things done!”

(as of ‘february 2019’, 12% of articles in all ‘wikipedias’ belong to the ‘english-language edition’)

(this share has gradually declined from more than ‘50%’ in ‘2003’, due to the growth of ‘wikipedias’ in other ‘languages’)

(as of ’10 february 2019′, there are 5,801,627 articles on the site, having surpassed the ‘5 million mark’ on ‘1 november 2015’)


‘this is major…’
‘tom to ‘ground control’…)
(to a plastic bowie insignia to my right: “o shut up!”)
(“that goes for you too there, zappa!”)
(go listen to ‘subterranean homesick blues’ again and try to cnvince yourself that your own ‘musical output’ wasn’t ‘necessary’)


(that HAD TO have hurt…”)
(’emma curse’ –> “are you OK?”)


(as i copy and pasted the previous fact from the ‘english wikipedia wikipedia’ it was not yet ’10 february 2019′)

(at least not in ‘NYC’)


are some “as of_______” wikipedia phrases automatically updated on some ‘semi-regular basis’)


(in ‘october 2015’, the ‘combined text’ of the ‘english wikipedia’s ‘articles’ totaled ‘11.5 gigabytes’ when ‘compressed’)

(the ‘simple english wikipedia’ is a variation in which most of the ‘articles’ use only ‘basic english vocabulary’)

(there is also the ‘old english (Ænglisc / anglo-saxon) wikipedia) 

(aka ‘angwiki’)

(community-produced news publications include ‘the signpost‘)








👈👈👈☜*“WIKIPEDIA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥