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*iOS 101*

June 30, 2020 jogabot 0
*OFFICIAL LINK* . *iOS COMMAND SHORTCUTS* . *JAIL-BREAKING 101* . *VIA iOS APP WEEKLY* Currently the stock iPhone Camera app doesn’t allow us to add […]
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-camera tripods-

June 30, 2020 jogabot 0
. -as of [11 APRIL 2024]– . -OUR [CAMERA TRIPODS]- . *APPLE MOUNTS*(for ‘iphone’) . -in ‘photo-graphy’, a ‘tri-pod’ is used to stabilize/elevate a [‘camera’ […]
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*google sky 101*

June 30, 2020 jogabot 0
*GOOGLE SKY SUPPORT* . *access ‘google sky’ via the DESKTOP ‘google earth app’* (the ‘web browser version’ will only take you to an (outdated?) ‘google […]