

“riddhi chauhan”



the big-tittied nose-ringed dunkin donuts manager “riddhi” (indian for ‘prosperity’) was working and christopher told me that she works out at the new york sports club (he also says she’s got an indian boyfriend)…

he’s such a fucking downer…when i called him out on it, he recanted and said she wasn’t really that chubby and that he “wasn’t sure” whether the dude she was talking to was her boyfriend or not…but then he called attention to the fact that i didn’t have a car which he claimed made it practically impossible to date…

i really want to hook up with her before it’s too late…

(clan that ruled northern india in the medieval period)

i’ve gotta start hitting on riddhi in the morning
(why is she the only one that’s allowed to wear a sweatshirt?)
(she’s the gentle young female version of the old man umesh @ quiznos)
(both accented indian managers of hispanic fast food workers)
(she has an MBA in “hospitality administration” from johnson + wales college)
(founded in providence rhode island in 1914)
(what the hell is she doing managing a dunkin donuts???)
(she works too much to be a graduate student)

first “mickey” (the douchebag from the “cross cultures” indian restaurant next door who wouldn’t hire me as a server) motioned to her for a cigarette…she seemed to decline…then the black chick worker was lingering around while she was stocking the drinks cooler…then the little chinese man brought her an iphone package in the mail this afternoon…then the scarred middle-aged hag made me my coffee and food…i waited until there were no more distractions to make my move…

i invited riddhi to the alchemist and barrister open mic the following evening…she claimed that she couldn’t go…first because she was “working at night”…then i mentioned that i probably wouldn’t play until around 10pm…and then she said that she had to get up @ 5:30am (she’d probably be home by 11:30pm…she can’t function on 6 hours sleep?)…i got her phone number today (732 area code)…she seemed hesitant to give it to me (“i don’t have my cell on me”)…but she told me to text her…she didn’t even remember my name…

then i facebook friended her (as “joe gatti”)…
(she lives in princeton NJ)
(and she’s a 27-year-old unpopular visual artist)
(i sense insecurity…)
(time to strike while the iron’s hot!)

forget it…she’s a fucking simpleton…

and the worst variety at that (the “egotistic simpleton”)…

but she’s vulnerable as well…

a foreigner with no car, no boyfriend, and a shitty job…

if i can’t land at least a hookup, then i may as well hang up my hat for good…






👈👈👈☜*“INDIAN GIRLS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥