*king george 6*



(1895 – 1952)

king of the UK + british dominions
(1936 – 1952)

the last emperor of india
(1936 – 1948)

the last king of ireland
(1936 – 1949)

the first “head of the commonwealth”

the second son of george V.  

he was not expected to inherit the throne and spent his early life in the shadow of his elder brother edward VIII.  

he served in the royal navy during WWI and after the war took on the usual round of public engagements.  

he married lady elizabeth bowes-lyon in 1923 and they had 2 daughters:

elizabeth II (who succeeded him as monarch)

and princess margaret


his elder brother ascended the throne as edward VIII on the death of their father in 1936.  

however, less than a year later edward revealed his desire to marry the american socialite wallis simpson.  

for political and religious reasons, the british prime minister stanley baldwin advised edward that he could not marry simpson (who had been twice divorced) and remain king.  

so edward abdicated in order to marry and george VI ascended the throne as the third monarch of the house of windsor.

within 24 hours of his accession the irish parliament (the “oireachtas”) passed the “external relations act of 1936” which essentially removed the power of the monarch in the “irish free state”.  

further events greatly altered the position of the monarchy during his reign.  

three years after his accession, his realms (except the irish free state) were at war with nazi germany.  

in the next two years, war with italy and japan followed.  

though the UK and its allies were ultimately victorious, the united states and soviet union rose as pre-eminent world powers and the british empire declined.  

with the independence of india and pakistan in 194 and the foundation of the republic of ireland in 1949, george’s reign saw the acceleration of the breakup of the empire and its transition into the commonwealth of nations.


“the king’s speech”
(2010 film)

(focuses on the king’s struggle to overcome his stammer when he is required to give a speech to his subjects after great britain declares war on germany)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“KING EDWARD 8”*














🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥