*white castle*

White Castle logo.svg




(founded in 1921)

(‘wichita’ / ‘kansas’)


(i buy their microwaveable hamburgers on a weekly basis)

(for $5.50 a pop)

(that’s really a waste of money)

(from the local CVS with my foodstamps)

(i buy as many as there are avaliable)

i pigged out on 6 white castle burgers and the bag of chips…

(i ended up pigging out on white castle burgers)
(which surprisingly resulted in healthy shits)

i gorged on 6 white castle cheeseburgers and doritos cool ranch chips (and salt and vinegar chips) last night

three 6-packs of white castle burgers

at one point i ate 18 white castle burgers before bed…

i just open one side of the plastic wrapper for the 2-pack burgers and put them in the microwave for 70 seconds…

as i eat the first 2, i put in two more so that they are cooled and ready to go by the time i finish…

7 july 2014:

i was GOING to start eating healthy again…but my alcohol withdrawal prevented me from feeling this way…i craved the comfort of white castle burgers…so i bought three 6-packs…

14 july 2014:

i’m hooked on these microwave burgers…i ate 12 burgers before bed last night…and another 6 still in my refrigerator…i’ll probably need more…i’m always tempted to buy them at CVS before they run out…i go under the pretense of buying energy drinks…resist the urge to eat them until my work is done…

6 white castle burgers

(and i’ll eat more before bed)

it makes me pass out…

ate 18 white castle burgers before bed

and i ate 18 white castle burgers

(and a few scoops of peanut butter and white bread)

there weren’t any white castle burgers at CVS even if i wanted them

on my second CVS walk i began to lose it…they were still out of white castle burgers…

6 monsters and 4 packs of white castle burgers

“breakfast of champions”!

so i ate 16 white castle burgers and started listening to youtube videos in bed…now i’m sick to my stomach…it’s 3am…

resisted the urge to eat the last 8 white castle burgers…

those white castle burgers are calling my name…

then i foolishly bought three more packs of white castle burgers…

down to $22 on the foodstamps card…

with 18 days left in the month

(21 days until i can refill on food)

(which means i need to make the next crisis ministry shipment last me 21 days…)

what a fool i am…

so now instead of enjoying my song playbacks in a healthy mindset i ended up pigging out on 12 white castle burgers and listening to O+A in bed…

i ate 12 white castle burgers and went to sleep

looking forward to “house” and 6 white castle burgers…

20 august 2014:

i went for the white castle diet to fight off withdrawals…18 white castle burgers last night…plus a peanut butter snickers bar (divided into 4 parts)…a microwave beef stew (the black chick cashier said she liked them)…

a microwave roast beef + mashed potatoes…


*4 september 2014*

bought 3 more packs of white castle burgers…

ate 12 burgers on thursday night…

ate 6 burgers on monday morning…








👈👈👈☜*“FAST FOOD”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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