“amplitude of accommodation”

-as of [9 APRIL 2024]


-the amplitude of accommodation is the ‘maximum potential increase’ in ‘optical power’ that an ‘eye’ can achieve in adjusting its ‘focus’-


It refers to a certain range of object distances for which the retinal image is as sharply focused as possible.

Amplitude of accommodation is measured during routine eye-examination.

The closest that a normal eye can focus is typically about 10 cm for a child or young adult.

Accommodation then decreases gradually with age, effectively finishing just after age fifty.

The average amplitude of accommodation, in diopters, for a patient of a given age was estimated by Hofstetter in 1950 to be 18.5 – (0.30 * patient age in years) with the minimum amplitude of accommodation as 15 – (0.25 * age in years), and the maximum as 25 – (0.40 * age in years).


(however, hofstetter’s work was based on data from 2 early surveys, which, although widely cited, used methodology with considerable ‘inherent error’)








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