-wp google search-*the wordpress plug-in*


-as of [15 FEBRUARY 2024]










This plugin gives a very simple way to add Google Search to your WordPress site

WP Google Search allows you to easily replace default WordPress search feature with Google Custom Search.

It is really simple to use, you’ll need to create a Google Custom Search for your site.

After that, you can copy the search engine ID and paste it in plugin settings.

The plugin also comes with a widget which allows you to display Google Custom Search in your WordPress sidebar.

You can also use a shortcode to display the search form.

For more details, see our step by step guide on how to add Google custom search in WordPress.





*as of ’21 april 2021’* –>

*VERSION 1.0.9*

(by ‘webshoplogic’)

(last updated ’22 APRIL 2020′)
(~1 year)


*this plugin has not been tested with your current version of ‘WordPress’*

(“it’s OK” says ‘wpbeginner’)
(if we mention the plug-in, you can assume it is safe)

*works on ‘WP 3.7’ – ‘WP 5.4.5’*

*’october 2013′ – ~’spring 2020’*


If you would like a Google search feature on your WordPress site, you only need to

register to Google Custom Search,

get your Google Search Engine ID,

and enter it in the plugin settings page.

Then your custom search engine is ready for use, just put the new Google search box widget on the sidebar, and enjoy it!

In this way the plugin enables you to insert Google search into your website, or a collection of websites easily.

You can search both web pages and images.

You can define if you want to search only on your site (or given sites), or the entire web.

It is possible to customize your search features, the look and feel (layout, themes, custom colors and fonts, thumbnails), and much more.

All these settings can be specified on the Google Custom Search Engine admin site:


Your changes will appear instantly on your site automatically.

After you registered to Google Custom Search Engine and get your Google Search Engine ID, you need to enter the ID in the plugin settings page: Settings -> WP Google Search

Use WP Google Search widget or [wp_google_searchbox] shortcode to place search box on your site.

Search results can be displayed on a normal page or in a popup window.

Use Full Width layout or Overlay (popup) layout on Google Custom Search Admin site to setup it.

It does not require any coding or other complicated operation.

Please find more information in the product documentation:
WP Google Search Documentation

Available languages
Spanish – translated by Ogi Djuraskovic – http://firstsiteguide.com
Serbian – translated by Ogi Djuraskovic – http://firstsiteguide.com
Portuguese (BR) – translated by Gabriel Froes
Swedish – translated by Tobias – http://ComClick.se
Danish – translated by Alexander Leo-Hansen – http://alexanderleohansen.dk


translated by Timofeev Ilya



Upload the plugin to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.

Activate it through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Register to ‘Google Custom Search Engine’ and get your Google Search Engine ID here: 



Enable the plugin and enter ‘Google Search Engine ID’
(Settings -> WP Google Search)

(See screenshots for more information)


*FAQ* –>

webshoplogic.com /products/wordpress_plugins/wp-google-search-product-page/
WP Google Search Plugin | WebshopLogic
2-2 minutes
Documentation / FAQ

How to set Google Custom Search?

You have to do the following 3 easy steps to make all the registrations and settings


Register to Google Custom Search

Register to Google Custom Search Engine and get your Google Search Engine ID on the Google Custom Search Engine admin site:


If you want, that only your site can be searched, set your site as the only searchable site on “Sites to search” section


Google CSE Settings

You can make a lot of settings here; your changes will appear instantly on your site automatically

For example, you can set that search results are displayed on a normal page or in a popup window.

Use Full-Width layout or Overlay (popup) layout on Google Custom Search Admin site to setup it.

WP Google Search layouts

WP Google Search customize



Make plugin settings

After you registered to Google Custom Search Engine and get your Google Search Engine ID, you need to enter the ID in the plugin settings page:

Settings -> WP Google Search

WP Google Search options




Place Google search box on your site

Use WP Google Search widget or use [wp_google_searchbox] shortcode to place search box on your site.

WP Google Search widget

What should I do if there is a problem with displaying search results?

When you activate the plugin, it creates a “Search Results” page,

the slug code of this page is “search_gcse”


This page contains the following shortcode, where the plugin displays search results…



If there is any problem during display of search results, check that page is published and not scheduled.




Modify: Change Text Domain from wgs to wp-google-search


Minor adjustments


Fix Notice: Undefined index: use_default_correction_css2, css3 in wp-google-search.php on line 69 and 72



Eliminate old style constructor call in WGS_Widget

Add css correction v2 and v3 (v1 is deprecated)



Add Russian translation

Add target link blank option



Add Swedish translation

Add Danish translation



Add “Support Overlay Display” option, for display search results in overlay window, without loading another page



Portuguese (BR) translation

Re-create search page during re-activation if it does not exist



Use new HTML5-valid div tags according to Google documentation:

You can use HTML5-valid div tags as long as you observe these guidelines:

The class attribute must be set to gcse-XXX,

Any attributes must be prefixed with data-.

Eliminate Enable plugin checkbox in settings page

Eliminate donation button inside settings page

Descriptions are added to settings page

Spanish and Serbian translations



First version



(1 – 6)



























🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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