*14 february 2013*
boris complained about the music last night as i blasted recently recorded tracks from my itunes @ 3am…
then i switched to headphones…other than that, nobody pays much attention to my music…
mama came with food / clean clothes / toiletries (along with another dunkin donuts card) @ 1pm…
i gave her more laundry to do…the auditions for “NJ idol” are this saturday @ watchung arts center (although i never received the e-mail with my scheduled slot)…mama doesn’t feel like driving me back and forth…i’m going to win this competition…i’m going to play an acoustic rendition of “katerina” (like i should’ve done for “american idol”)…if i pass the audition, there are two semi-final rounds before the finals…winner pockets $500 (not even enough to cover a month’s rent)…i’ll use the money to pay off eric paul…
farrington’s music store moved to…
Montgomery Center
1325 Route 206
Skillman, NJ 08558
(why does it still list “route 204” on its internet directory?)
ended up borrowing dough from mama and buying 2 packs of acoustic strings + 2 packs of electric strings @ big bang music center…
422 route 206
hillborough, NJ
ate a bacon cheeseburger + fries @ “five guys” off route 206 (and helped myself to free drink refills whether or not i was entitled)…it gave me nasty shits for the afternoon…i’ve got a bit of booze + dip left…i’ll probably have to refill later this evening (the local rite-aid is out of my grizzly dip so i’ll have to opt for the cheaper “longhorn” variety)…mama thinks the gap between my teeth is caused by not brushing my teeth enough (so that the gums loosen their hold on the teeth)…i’ve really gotta start brushing my teeth…sherwin williams / radioshack…still haven’t received the rebate check from apple…dealing with their support hotline is a bit of a nightmare (case # 381901329)…i’m starting to suspect that they simply refunded mama’s credit card…damn, i was counting on that $280…
other than that, i’ve been re-recording old songs and posting them to last.fm + youtube…i’m going to start working on the “repraise” tracks soon (as well as cover more paul mccartney music)…start moving forward with the “dopeland” saga (although i haven’t generated much interest with my internet posts)…i’m still unemployed…i’m going to have to start making money soon…
another valentine’s day alone…
21 february:
i’ve given up finding a job @ the princeton shopping center…i applied for another position (“special assistant to director”) @ the institute for advanced study. i’m out of money for booze (and food for that matter). i went to my mother asking for $1000 to cover next month’s rent / utilities but i’m not sure it’ll be forthright. i’ll dedicate the next week to recording “repraise” tracks and simply hope for the best…in the meantime, i’ll have to find a job…i think i’m going to start a new group here (i’ll just post flyers around the princeton campus like i did in my harvard undergrad days)…roboray’s been incommunicado for way too long…during my final drinking binge, i went on a digital rampage and spewed lots of hatred…now i’m preparing myself for the worst…
el madre sent me $400 for “utilities”…greg wants to know if i can tutor ACTs…the institute job won’t have interviews for “several weeks”…in the meantime, i’m gonna go full force with my music and hope for the best…
el madre doesn’t know whether she’ll give me the $600 for rent this month (“ask your father” is all she has to say)…i’ve been sleepy all week…spending money on dip and beer…i go through a 12-pack of budweiser way too fast (but it’s way more pleasant than drinking cheap vodka and malt liquor)…i ended up raiding the freezer in drunken desperation last night and eating a housemate’s frozen vegetables and bread…this is sure to get back to the landlord…i should go to the supermarket tomorrow and replace it…
27 february:
two days to make rent…i’ve already drank/dipped into the money that was supposed to go to utilities…i’ve felt a marked lack of energy all day…i’ve gotta clean up my act (shower and brush my teeth)…the dip is cutting up my gums…i’m binging @ dunkin donuts once a day and then falling asleep ’round 8pm…i was too tired to even pull off decent vocals this evening…i’m meeting with benjamin goldstein thursday 5pm @ lewis library…told his mom tammy (who has a sexy telephone voice) to get him an ACT book @ barnes and noble (“the real ACT prep guide” and “cracking the ACT (2013 edition)”)…my former landlord sean is in ocean county jail (his mother emailed me from his account)…seems he shoplifted some steak and milk on february 17th and ran from the cops…now the security guard is claiming that he tried to run him over with his car…the cops came to his house and beat him up…his mother claims that the municipal court judge set his bail @ “100.000” with no 10% option (though i’m guessing she meant $100,000)…so he’s still in jail at the moment…
if i start up tutoring again, this’ll curb my day drinking…and i’ll have to brush up on some academic subjects…i’ll have to eventually hit up el madre for cash…and get some songs cranking for AI…he doesn’t seem to have the karaoke version of “oh! darling”…guess i’ll have to find a version online…roboray only answers when i call him from a restricted #…and emma wolin promptly hung up on me when i called her…other than that, no girls want anything to do with me…
i fell asleep at 8pm and woke up round 2am…by then i was out of booze and dip and couldn’t fall asleep until around 8am…i spent the rest of the day in a sluggish haze (i couldn’t even bring myself to shower)…then i met antony vadakekkara (a senior @ peddie) at the princeton public library round 5pm (a half-hour walk for me to 65 witherspoon street)…we reviewed for his AP statistics midterm…i didn’t remember much of anything about statistics…AI sent me “oh! darling” karaoke via amazon.com…i’ll need to get a blank CD to burn the track on…i still have to find a way to pay rent (and curb my drinking / dipping)…tomorrow begins the war…i have far too many songs i want to record and i can’t spend all my time recording music in my bedroom (although i’d really like to!)…mun hoe’s guitar playing / singing / going in and out of bedroom / bathroom / kitchen really gets on my fucking nerves…
i saw a bunch of “help wanted” signs @ restaurants while walking down nassau street…
i should really follow up on one of them…
πππ β *βFEBRUARY 2012β*
*βFEBRUARY 2014β* β πππ
*πβ¨ *TABLE OF CONTENTS* β¨π·*
π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯*we won the war* π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯π₯