*june 2013*

*1 june 2013*

emily’s telephone # is no longer blocked…

(but she still hangs up on me)

(she’s with her mother)
(who advises her against “calling in sick” to work)

i initially forgot my wallet when departing for the princeton campus…ended up sprinting to “pine hall”…it was good exercise…

rahul came through with the bracelet sometime after midnight…
(i paid him $60)
(i probably could’ve gotten him to pay for it all)
(met him in front of whig hall)

stood in long lines for beer…

lost my last guitar pick…
(borrowed a medium-sized pick from mun hoe)
(whose girlfriend is STILL here)
(at least eric paul is gone for the weekend)

bummed a whole bunch of cigarettes…

played guitar for a whole lot of girls…
(but didn’t see any action)

my last chick was a sexy japanese girl outside frist campus center…
(my voice was already starting to fail me)
(too many cigarettes?)
(i walked her back to her dorm room but she wouldn’t even hold my hand)

ran into most every one of the princeton students i’ve met over the course of the year…

ended up @ the tower club…
(just because i made a connection with the black bouncer)

earned over $21 in music tips…

offended some chick when i said that “men have it just as hard as women”…
(i didn’t see what was so offensive about that statement and she wouldn’t tell me herself…she just refused to talk to me any longer…she claimed to have a “boyfriend” anyway…though i didn’t see any man in sight…)

left my dip can @ the tower club…

they wouldn’t even let me back in the tower club after the feminista badmouthed me (she re-entered the club ’round 2:30am with 2 other chicks)

couldn’t get into the terrace club…
(the same old guinea prick was manning the door)

ended up playing on washington road for madison mazzola and friends…i was right…she is a bitch…she had blown me off earlier in the night while talking to a black man (who also got fresh with me)…i refused to budge…she later claimed that he was her “best friend’s boyfriend”…

so i walked back to the house sometime before 5am…ended up @ dunkin donuts ’round 6am (got a turkey sausage sandwich / tuna melt / hash browns)…they no longer make the “angus steak sandwich”…

the funds hit the bank account…


*2 june 2013*

got really drunk last night…

i’m really sore from sprinting to the princeton campus on friday night…

i lost the pick i borrowed from mun hoe…again i’m left without a guitar pick…

i ended up under one of the reunion tents….bummed a whole lot of cigarettes…played guitar for girls…(although there was a DJ and cover band)…got a few budweisers at the bar…drank some more floater beers (and tequila)…

ended up busking outside hoagie haven ’round 4am…of course a cop showed up and asked me for an ID…he claimed that the “neighbors were complaining about the noise” (i didn’t believe him)…he told me to “go home”…another asshole…i earned $2 and stumbled on home…

i didn’t wake up until 2pm…now i feel sick…is this what a “hangover” feels like?  i tried curing the hangover with peanut butter + blueberry yogurt (and a rice pudding)…also took a handful of mun hoe’s rice…everyone is home for the weekend…

borrowed a guitar pick from christopher…why doesn’t anyone use heavy guitar picks?  i must’ve ripped off the wristband last night…

gotta load up on more booze + dip (and scotch tape)

3 june:

got even more drunk last night…

started work on “the wild ones”…

turned out emily hung up on me because she claimed that i was “drinking”
(even though we exchanged no more than two sentences and i was surely not slurring my words)

the kickstarter project raised $2141.11…
(amazon is now “processing” the funds…they will be available 14 days after the transaction is charged…)

so why am i getting an e-mail telling me that i sent “$106.5555” to amazon business account?
(that must be amazon / kickstarter “fee”…funny how they take their fee right away but don’t clear my money until 14 days later)

4 june:

worked on the recording of “the wild ones” + “king of the cats”…

i drank a lot of vodka + chewed a lot of tobacco…by the evening i was exhausted…so i went to the local pizzeria (hopping a ride with christopher) and got 3 slices of pizza (2 white cheese and one sausage) and an arizona lemon iced tea…spent just under $13…

the landlord came by in the afternoon…complaining about the newspaper residue near the bathroom sink (a result of mun hoe’s failed attempt at unclogging the sink with drano)…i had “promised him” i’d clean it up a few days ago and so just to play nice i got some clorox wipes and cleaned it in front of him…then he started complaining about the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink…they’re all mine…he told me that he’d checked with the 3 other housemates and they all pointed the finger at me…but i wasn’t about to start cleaning dishes in front of the little old man…i informed him that i’d heard from the new tenant downstairs that he was supposed to give me 24 hours’ notice before barging into the house (especially when he seems to park in an alternate location)…he countered that he only is required to give 24 hours’ notice to come into my ROOM…he’s NEVER allowed to come into my room…

he left me a note saying that my lease will not be renewed…

the tenant downstairs is “jonathan”…i’ve already bummed two cigarettes off him and he seems none too pleased about it…a middle-aged loser who works in “advertising + sales” in midtown manhattan…christopher and he will probably get along great…both simpleton “weekend drinkers”…i foolishly gave him my cellphone number and mentioned that the girl upstairs has a steady supply of dope…now he keeps knocking on my window and texting me because he’s a teahead himself…he seems poor as hell…

princeton mark called me up sometime before 10pm…he motivated me to take a shower + brush my teeth…i walked to wilf hall sometime after 11pm…then he stopped answering his phone (surprised?)…he claimed that there was a “senior prom” event @ jadwin gymnasium…he said he had a ticket for me but he was “out to dinner” on route 1 (TGI Friday’s)…i found my way to the gymnasium only to be greeted by my favorite “public safety officer” paul procter…i finally got in touch with mark sometime after midnight…the “senior prom” closed @ midnight…i went back to his dorm room (susan was pigging out on TGI Friday leftovers)…mark gave me a princeton bottled water and told me to go to frist campus center…i left the bottled water on a window ledge and he followed me down, castigating me for “littering”…i chatted with michael rolland on the cellphone (before he abruptly hung up on me)…

i finally made my way down to the “eating clubs”…i pretended to chat on the cellphone for a few minutes before playing some music for an “aspiring filmmaker” (a princeton junior)…then i worked up the courage to walk into the “tiger club”…i made my way to the first person that looked familar (“jordan”)…he seemed friendly but he also claimed that he’d never met me before (even though i know we’d met)…i played a few songs for them but he and his friends seemed like total bozos…so i helped myself to the keg…bumming cigarettes off anyone i saw smoking…i was finally confronted by who seemed to be the “club president”…he seemed vaguely suspicious about a 28-year-old man at the party…but i finally won him over…i continued to play music but people didn’t seem to be into it…one guy even made a snide comment about me “getting off at the wrong subway stop”…

finally i ran into “tess”…the princeton senior i serenaded friday night before losing my guitar pick for the evening…she was with some mexican dude that i assumed was her “boyfriend” (the same guy who pulled her away for beer last friday night)…i offered to play music for her and her friend emma…a bigtittied jewish chick…but tess was in the middle of a story and told me to play “in a few minutes”…a few minutes later, i started playing for them…

then their attitude started to change (as i was in extremely good voice)…

i should never surrender my guitar to anyone else…

eventually even the dude who made the snarky “subway” comment started singing right along

(he was a skoal dipper himself)…

everyone else was singing way off-key…i really need to start surrounding myself with musicians…gabriel crouse (who claims to hail from johannesburg south africa) took the guitar and started singing badly until i finally took the guitar back…

took several pisses in the bushes…no one seemed to mind…

i should’ve focused in on tess…too late now…

i broke two more guitar strings while playing “katerina”…now i need to find the nearest “music store” to continue making music…it’s probably many miles away…

i gave out my CDs for free…mostly copies of “finest hour” (although i did pass along a copy of “we won the war” to one friendly chap)…even though the case was cracked…he said that the cd cover reminded him of “radiohead”…

as usual i walked home empty-handed…it turned out emma was dating an australian dude…they both hopped a taxi home without offering me the ride…i got a hug from him but not from her…i had to abandon my drink before the public safety officers patrolling the streets busted me…

i went to sleep before 6am and woke up sometime after noon…two two nasty shits (probably from the white cheese) and began washing the dishes…it really is starting to smell up the kitchen…mun hoe’s girlfriend is still here…

5 june:

i’m still all cut up from sunday night’s drunken stumbling (mostly on the hands / arms / nose / hips)

and i wake up every morning with a disgusting taste in my mouth from all the dipping…
(not to mention not brushing my teeth)

and i’m still sore from the friday night sprint…

i’m starting to get too drunk to sing in tune…i thought it was due to lack of food so i ended up pigging out @ dunkin donuts last night (got their new chicken bacon egg sandwich along with everything bagel w/ veggie cream cheese and sesame bagel w/ butter)…of course hannah wasn’t working…

i “finished” “call of the wild” but it could probably still use work…

is eric paul off work this week?

i went on a facebook rampage last night…

i’ve also been regularly chatting on the phone with michael gatti and michael rolland…

i need to reload on dip (and gatorade)…
(which i did)

they’re out of the usual grizzly long cut…i had to resort to the wintergreen variety…

i’ve got a nasty case of diarrhea
(i blame the indian man @ dunkin donuts who made me the chicken sandwich last night)

on sunday night, i lost my guitar clipper / peg puller-outer…yet another impediment to my musicmaking…a standard kitchen knife doesn’t work…scissors work…whenever i shake my acoustic guitar (to obtain a pick i’ve dropped inside it), i note a rattling (which is just the inner wires of the pickup…i don’t even plug this guitar in…

6 june:

i’m still drinking and dipping…and it has adverse effects on my vocals…re-recorded backing vocals for “call of the wild”…now i’m working backwards to the top…the “dopeland” finale album is next on the agenda…i recorded a new version of “WOR” but the vocals don’t seem right…i’ll re-record them tomorrow…

bought another handle of vodka…it lasted me longer than usual (4 days as opposed to the usual three days)…i also bought three slices of pizza from pizza star (plain / white cheese / vegetable)…and another can of dip (wintergreen once again)…

i was exhausted before 6pm…i ended up passing out on the common room couch for an hour (until mun hoe arrived home from work and woke me up)…

i sang three songs…”hard to handle” (black crowes) / “maybe i’m amazed” (paul mccartney) / “higher ground” (stevie wonder)…got a good response…one dude even bought me beers…i bummed many cigarettes throughout the course of the evening…talked to a few chicks but they all seem damn asexual ’round here…

then i ran back into “tess o’meara” and “emma kurz”…they were with their boyfriends…emma gave me a drink…they sang karaoke badly…turns out tess does date “miguel” (although their relationship seems tenuous at best)…i played them songs on the acoustic guitar (mostly beatles tunes) until the bouncer @ the ivy inn shut me down…tess gave me her phone #…(214)766-6888(4?)…the extra digit makes me suspicious…another texas chick (dallas to be exact)…she seems utterly bewildered by me…tess and emma are princeton juniors –> seniors (but they’ll be here all summer)…tess wants to star in my opera…i’ve got 3 months to make it happen…i bummed several cigarettes off miguel and then he claimed that i “lost his lighter”…i asked another group of townies for a lighter…they were particularly unfriendly…one guy said i had a “pretty good voice” but said i did “too many michael jackson hand motions” while i sang…fucking losers…i went to hoagie haven but no one was there…and i didn’t want to seem like i was following tess + company…so i walked home…

jonathan is going to be a constant nuisance…he knocked on my door this evening looking for grass…but lisa wasn’t home…he seemed impressed by my collage (and guitar)…

when i arrived back @ the house (sometime after 2am), it seemed christopher and jonathan were still awake…jonathan even left his cigarettes outside…i stole one from him…starting to write out the chords for the “dopeland” album…a harder task than it initially seems…so i finally gave up and passed out sometime ’round 5am…woke up sometime after noon…took a relatively healthy shit (along with the usual nasty gas)…

AI called me…the wife and kids are visiting the grandmother in delaware so he’s free for a vocal session…at least this gives me the incentive to build up the sinatra repertoire…may even get a free dinner / drinks out of it…

7 june:

i spent the day writing out chord charts for the “dopeland” album…

AI arrived sometime after 6pm…he came with two 32 fluid ounce gatorades (fruit punch and orange), two 4-packs of reese’s peanut butter cups, chocolate peanut butter chex mix, and a bag of pretzels…we got through 6 songs with some difficulty (he didn’t have “send in the clowns” ready)…finished sometime before 10pm…he could smell the wintergreen dip in the room…i was all out of dip by then…continued to drink vodka + water throughout the recording session…AI was a bit off-key at first but his voice warmed up as the session proceeded…he didn’t seem to approve of the bedroom (he said i should take girls back to the common room)…complained of the reverb in the headphones, the “crackling” in the headphones, and the loud instrumental backing…he did agree that the bathroom was clean…he ripped a nasty fart in the room before we left…

eric paul taped a note to my door…i now owe $632.84 in utility bills…due at the end of the month…

then we drove out to the ivy inn…the karaoke man was “sick”…ordered a few gin + tonics…AI accused me of “nursing my drinks”…the “clean-up crew” took away my drink from the outdoor table when i went inside to the bathroom…talked to a few girls but there  weren’t many attractive ones that there night…listened to some blonde bitch ramble on about getting pistol-whipped in the head by several members of the crips…i couldn’t care less…i continued to bum cigarettes from her (and others)…

AI and I hit up the local wawa for dip…he bought me a tin of grizzly long cut…

then we drove to the witherspoon grill but it was already closed…a hispanic member of the staff told us that the alchemist + barrister was still open…we walked there and got a table…ordered more gin + tonics as well as a “tiger burger” (w/ fries) and an extra order of sweet potato fries…AI slipped me $40 as an “advance”…he was drinking guinnesses…lisa was off work but lounging in the front room…she joined our table…her boyfriend brought along a plate of sliders and french fries which i helped myself to…AI asked her if she could get me a job @ the alchemist + barrister…she made a denigrating comment about me “passing out”…i’ve never “passed out” in front of her (she was probably alluding to alcohol)…so i subsequently froze her out…bummed a rolled cigarette outside…went back inside to dip and started denigrating christianity…AI wouldn’t even let me use the same plastic spit cup as him…and the staff took away our food + drinks before i finished…AI didn’t seem to approve of my rap…i did tell him that i loved him…there was an acoustic duo playing that evening…i asked them if i could play a song with one of their acoustic guitars…at first they told me that they were supposed to end @ midnight…they finally relented and i played my usual “helter skelter / take me to the river”…there wasn’t anyone in the room except for AI…the acoustic duo seemed impressed and one of them gave me a CD (which i subsequently threw out of AI’s car window)…i also stole his yellow dunlop (turtle) pick…it wasn’t hard enough for me…i’d initially forgotten it at the restaurant until a member of the staff shouted me down as i was leaving and returned it to me…i couldn’t care less…

AI dropped me off @ the ivy inn sometime after 1am…the big-tittied black bitch was there with her black boyfriend…

the ivy inn staff are a bunch of miserable bastards…even the short bald pudgy “james norton clone” shut down my outdoor guitar-playing for the second time…i drank down an englishman’s jameson drink and offered to play them a song as an apology of sorts…of course they requested an oasis song…so i played a great rendition of “don’t look back in anger”…and i was subsequently given a “last warning” by the little pudgy man…tried chatting up a skinny brunette plain jane but she was with a tall black man…even the black faggot (who was accompanied by two middle-aged brunettes) was unfriendly…so i cut my losses and walked home in the rain…chatted with AI by phone on the way…went to bed and woke up sometime ’round 7:30am…eric paul and mun hoe are at work…mun hoe’s girlfriend is still here…

i’ve got a lump on the inside of my left lower lip…i hope it’s not mouth cancer from all this dipping…i couldn’t care less…then he walked into work…took a nasty shit this morning…i’m probably coming down with diarrhea again…it’s still raining…got half a handle of vodka left…now what?

the laptop “mouse” froze once again…

8 june:

this day has been a total nightmare…

woke up sometime before 9am…continued to drink and dip…reloaded on another handle of vodka and a skoal wintergreen long cut dip (they still seem to be out of my usual grizzly long cut)…

i was perpetually napping through the day…mostly because i was afflicted with a severe case of the hiccups (probably alcohol-induced)…i was feeling great before noon but i started getting crankier as the afternoon progressed…

got my usual 3 slices @ pizza star sometime before 8pm…plain / sicilian / spinach…

i now am working straight through “ultimus romanorum”…emma hung up on me when i called her (but she accepted my fb friend request)…tess seemed to have given me a wrong # (i reached “holly’s” answering machine)…

since it was a friday night, i decided to “go out” ’round 10:30pm (even though it was raining outside)…it encouraged me to clean up my act…i brought my umbrella this time (although it was hard to keep try with a guitar strapped to my back)…hit up the ivy inn…$3 cover…a terrible “band” was playing cover songs…two ugly chicks singing (one white / one black), a nigger on keyboards, and a retarded-looking white dude on drums…i came armed with my guitar…i immediately made friends there and they encouraged me to perform…one dude approached the nigger keyboardist and he seemed to be fine with me singing a song…the retarded drummer stepped in and said it was OK “after we finish our set” (they were on “set 2” of 3)…he asked if “justin said it was OK”…the dude (now my spokesman) said that he had given his approval…i sat down with 5 blonde chicks and mocked the “performance”…everybody hated them…once the blonde chicks left, i started drinking a floater beer…some dudes sat down with me and i entertained them…when the “band” began set 3, i approached the nigger keyboardist and asked if i could write down the chords to “oh! darling” (he didn’t seem to be familiar with the song)…when i asked the nigger keyboardist for a pen, justin and the bitter bald bouncer both approached me…justin (who i thought was a nice guy) said “don’t ever use my name again”…i told him that another guy had said “justin said it was alright to play a song” (besides, i thought his name was “jared”, though i could care less)…the bitter bald bouncer seemed to be the one stirring up trouble…so it seems that “justin” is in charge of booking bands…i’ve been here over 9 months and been a regular @ the ivy inn…i’ve given this piece of shit two free CDs and e-mailed the “booking agent” off the website…the dude has repeatedly complimented the voice on “karaoke nights”…and now i’m to be faulted when i’m a bit bitter that a universally-regarded TERRIBLE band is performing instead of me…when 100% of those i talk to are cringing at the “music”, then we’re not getting our money’s worth…the bitter bald bouncer told me to “take a walk with him”…i wasn’t going to give him the pleasure and so i merely walked out of the joint…

i took the backroads to the triumph (since i’m perpetually paranoid of cops trailing me)…it seems that they no longer have live music @ the joint (which meant no cover)…i spit out my dip and ordered a gin + tonic (and glass of water) from the brunette bartender (put me back nearly $9)…then i sat down with 5 chicks…the girl to my immediate left was an asian…all recent BC grads…they were incredibly boring…so i continued to scout out the joint before making my way outside…

9 june:

i didn’t end up going out last night…i was too worn out from boozing all day…i kept falling asleep…although the 5mg valium pill from jonathan didn’t quite knock me out (despite all the vodka + dip)…i also called up “heaven”…she was on the phone with her son…she said she’d call back…she never called back…

my main priority is to chart out the chord sheets for the “last cloud” album…then i’m going to start making youtube playlists for all 144 joga albums…i’m still dirty as hell…i’m in desperate need of a haircut + shave (as well as exercise + a healthy diet)…and toilet paper…and clean living conditions…and money…i went to dunkin donuts this morning (just because there was nothing else to do @ 6am)…i’ve been stricken with temporary bouts of insomnia lately…i got a turkey sausage sandwich + hash browns…the middle-aged bitch there recalled that she’d forgotten my everything bagel w/ veggie cream cheese the day before and so she made me that as well…i also routinely swiped french fries from the freezer and microwaved them for myself (i’m assuming they belong to mun hoe)…used up the last of the ketchup…

amazon business payments charged me 50 cents?  for what?

jonathan cashman (the guy who lives downstairs) seems to be on friendly terms with christopher…he’s “banned” from the ivy inn (surprised?)…christopher gave me a cigarette and we chatted for awhile…i thought i overheard him talking shit about me to jonathan…something about “he smelled like he hadn’t showered in 2 days”…which was probably true…

10 june:

this “mouse” problem is really starting to hamper my progress…i asked el madre to bring me a spare mouse…she said she’d mail one…it is still steaming hot in my room…charted out the “last cloud” chord sheets…bought another handle of vodka and skoal wintergreen dip…bought some benadryl @ mccaffrey’s…i should really hit on “heidi” the sexy tanned cashier (but i’m sick of getting rejected @ this point)…the cellphone isn’t being funded by mama any longer…she probably saw the $1300 check by now…i should cash another check before she shuts off all funding…finally showered / brushed teeth / shaved beard…went to dunkin donuts but hannah wasn’t working…decided to hit the town ’round 10pm…walked by a yogurt shop on nassau street and saw two fags with a curvy brunette…they were sitting on a stoop…i offered to play guitar for them (i think i played “blackbird”)…they were reasonably impressed…the blonde faggot (“greg mania”) claimed to book shows in NYC…i got his phone #…(609)571-6044…the black faggot’s name was “RJ” (though i didn’t give a shit about him)…the curvy brunette’s name was “rachel hendershott”…just graduated from the college of new jersey (sociology major)…lives in lawrenceville NJ…single…

went to the triumph brewery…it was closed by 11pm…went to alchemist + barrister…saw the same couple i always see (as well as the long-haired bearded obnoxious geek)…a male female guitar duo was performing…they were closing by midnight…lisa wasn’t working…the male half of the couple mentioned a sexy bigtittied waitress in a red dress who was working earlier that night (most of the staff wears black)…his wife seemed to be the only one into my music…she even gave me her phone #…(609)306-0448…bummed some cigarettes…the ivy inn didn’t seem happening…took 6 benadryl tablets…went on a facebook rampage…then i passed out from ’round 3am to sometime before 1pm (waking up several times along the way)…i knew the benadryl would make me drowsy all day…mun hoe and his girlfriend are home…i’m horny as hell…time to start boozing and dipping…didn’t get much reaction from my facebook rampage…i want to finish the recording of the “dopeland” album…starting with “windy city”…mama put another $50 into the cellphone account…i’m gassy as usual this morning…

12 june:

now it’s onto basslines for the “dopeland” album…i got distracted by drunkenness / horniness last night…wasted too much time on facebook…said some things i probably shouldn’t have…i really just need to get laid…

falling into the same old routine of staying up until 6am for dunkin donuts…mama mailed me a care package: a new mouse (even though i don’t need one at this point), some terrible cookies, a dunkin donuts gift card, and a cheeburger cheeburger gift card…it’s too hot to sleep in the room…i went to dunkin donuts and got my usual tuna melt on toasted everything bagel / turkey sausage sandwich / everything bagel with veggie cream cheese…i tried hitting on riddhi but she wasn’t having any of it…at least she knows my name (“jo”)…didn’t even have the decency to address me as joga…she claimed to have a boyfriend in new york city…i can’t quite understand her voice…oh well…smoked a cigarette and felt amazing…but then i had to pig out and ruin it all…now i’ll probably be shitting all goddamn day…then i tried to go to sleep…but i couldn’t…so i rubbed one out…it just made me hornier…woke up sometime after noon…found a dollar bill on the front step…

loaded up on more dip and vodka…this pattern cannot continue (or can it?)…still haven’t showered / brushed teeth in days…maybe i can pick up a chick @ the ivy inn karaoke night tonight (although i’m probably banned from the damn place by now)…why do cops bother me?…i’m even paranoid to cut through the neighbor’s house to get to the shopping center these days…on the way back this afternoon, there was a cop stationed at the spot that i normally cut across…as i made my way to harrison street, he began trailing me…i’ll probably be arrested for “social networking crimes” one of these days…

mun hoe’s girlfriend is STILL here…and they’re still cooking all the time…

talked to magic dan on the phone…missed a phone call from AI…

i find it very easy to bum cigarettes off people…i was walking back from the liquor store yesterday and a male hairdresser was on the phone smoking a cigarette…i asked him for one and he gave me his…probably not the most hygienic policy…then today some vagrant complimented me on my hair (“it’s better than a woman’s hair”)…i asked him for a cigarette and he gave me one…then i chatted on the phone with mama…i need her to send me a fucking air conditioner…i can’t take this heat much longer…

one of my USB connections no longer works…discovered this last night when i tried plugging in the digital camera to update the chord sheets…probably from all the dirt + dust that surrounds the hub…this means my external hard drives are also in danger…time to move…

jonathan mentioned bed bugs a few nights ago…boris said the same thing…he said he wasn’t going to pay rent if this turns out to be the case…well then neither will i…

now i feel a bit sickly…probably due to a shorter night’s sleep than i’m usually used to (which seems to be ~12 hours these days)…still horny as a goat…mama said that she doesn’t have an air conditioner (where did the one from my NYC apartment go?)…i remember she bought me one for the brick apartment but i believe i left it behind…even though shawn didn’t even want it (i used it as a bargaining tool)…i’ll continue to drink and dip…i’m still as horny as ever…i keep missing AI’s calls…when i call him back, he never answers…no one else seems to care these days…

13 june:

i was going to go the ivy inn…i called them from a restricted number…no one picked up…called them unrestricted and they picked right up…i asked for “justin”….some female got him on the phone…i apologized for the “scuffle” from friday night…he seemed clueless and hung up on me…i tried calling back but no one answered….i finally got on the phone with AI…he wants to see some of the songs from the last session…i lied about how much i was getting laid…got on the phone with champ…he was “out to dinner”…tried calling emma but didn’t get an answer…talked to mama and preached the gospel to her…saw mun hoe and lied about getting phone #s from bigtittied waitresses…i actually went to the main street grill under the premise of getting a job…when i first approached bartender sarah, she told me that the manager was “too busy” to see me and that i should come back tomorrow afternoon…i eventually met the manager “julie”…some young brunette…i asked for her last name but she said that she “didn’t give that out”…i had to go through the young blonde “hostess” to even get in touch with “julie”…the “service industry” is a load of utter bullshit…

even rebecca annoni now turned on me…because i “commanded” her to give me her phone number (via facebook)…”what makes you think i’m single?” (your facebook profile)…i’m going through dip way too quickly…at least i woke up before noon today…although i’ll probably fall asleep again…bought another dip can with my spare change…hit up dunkin donuts…got a chicken bacon ranch / tuna melt / 9 hash browns…i’ll probably be shitting all day…ignored riddhi like the dark cunt she is…i’m going to start being more “full of myself” (like annoni said)…what else is there to be “full of”?…the rollands are my only friends now…and they don’t even have time for me…these basslines are getting more and more difficult to perform…i don’t know what was wrong with the first versions…

got a second wind with the help of vodka and dip…but i still feel sorta sickly…now it’s time to record the acoustic guitar lines for the “last cloud” album”…it’s raining outside so i won’t bother going out…although i should probably reload on dip…i’ve been going through it like a fiend all day…took an afternoon nap because there was nothing else to do…took a few healthy tight shits…now we’re all out of toilet paper…i’m still farting…got soaked in the pouring rain…the rite-aid employees aren’t very friendly…they’ll hire any dumb nigger…

14 june:

it’s still raining…

it was raining so hard that the power shut off in the room…funnily enough the power was working in the kitchen + common room…lonely christopher called me up to smoke a cigarette…i was in the middle of a facebook war with rebecca annonni…the power went off in mun hoe’s room as well (christopher refers to him as “z”)…rebecca’s not worth the effort…i defriended her…(she operates out of “vauxhall”)…she doesn’t even remember meeting me…and she’s not a joga fan…so fuck her…

called christopher back up and he switched the power back on from the basement…once i got the computer back up and running, my keyboard had run out of batteries…both christopher and mun hoe didn’t have any extra batteries…i smoked more cigarettes with christopher…he offered to drive me to the local wawa…he was driving drunk…it probably was a risky venture…turned out wawa didn’t sell any batteries…the next closest 24/7 joint was 5 minutes away…christopher didn’t want to drive there…it seemed he was totally disoriented…we should’ve went to the princeton campus 24/7 store…we were going to go to the ivy inn but ultimately decided against it…went back to his place and smoked more marlboros…also killed a pint of smirnoff…all of a sudden he gave me his two AA batteries from the remote control…as usual, jonathan left his pack of cigarettes on the back porch…i swiped two of them but they broke in my jeans pocket…now it’s past 3am and i’m horny (and gassy) as ever…got a healthy dose of vodka + dip to get me through the night…time to start working on the drum tracks for “last cloud”…

i had a lot of trouble falling asleep…resisted the urge to take benadryl…stayed up until the dunkin donuts opening (my gift card has already run out)…got a tuna melt on toasted everything bagel / bacon egg and cheese on toasted everything bagel / everything bagel with vegetable cream cheese…spent another $10…joked with the middle-aged lady about her shitty taste in music…rubbed one out…went to sleep until sometime before noon…woke up with the shakes…christopher called me but i ignored the call (he probably wants his batteries back)…

took a reasonably healthy shit…i’ve resorted to using napkins for toilet paper…seems i have the house to myself for now…i’m in no mood to make music and i’m incredibly horny…the internet went off for a few minutes this morning…got another $33 bill in the mail from the october 2012 hospital visit…i keep trying to drink + dip to snap myself back into gear…it doesn’t seem to be working…

“krystal knapp” emailed me this afternoon…she’s a promoter @ “planetprinceton.com”…offered to promote my performances…i met her @ the ivy inn last wednesday @ karaoke night…i was smoking a cigarette on the back porch…her friend  “amy zakar” was marginally attractive (and a musician)…i think she plays the cello…krystal is a fat brunette but a nice lady…they were definitely impressed by the karaoke performance…we’ll see how this goes…

15 june:

my mouse has been randomly freezing…have to do a unplug/replug USB cable to get it to operate normally again…this troubles me…

i’ve been waking up each morning with the shakes…i’ve also been extremely horny…drinking more vodka / dipping more than ever…reloaded on some grizzly wintergreen dip last night…then i decided to buy some food @ mccaffrey’s…i was just about to hit up cheeburger cheeburger but didn’t feel like walking…got a roast beef hoagie, tortilla chips, and hummus…spent over $13…still got a bit of vodka leftover…i’ll probably have to make another liquor store run later…

this has not been a very musically productive week…i finished the basic drum tracks for the “last cloud” album but haven’t quite had the drive to start recording acoustic guitar chords all over again…i’m more inclined to work with existing recordings now and do more detailed film editing…

at around 11pm, i decided to hit the town…this forced me to take a shower and brush my teeth…i took a few gulps of vodka and strapped on the acoustic guitar…tried hitting up doctor green on the walk to the center of town but he didn’t answer his phone (we’d chatted earlier in the evening)…when i tried calling up “heaven” her phone went to a busy signal…tried calling up emma…she answered the phone (she didn’t seem to be out that night) but she hung up within seconds when she realized who she was talking to…what a letdown…ethan kellogg didn’t even answer his phone…nor did champ…

i decided to try out the alchemist + barrister…it didn’t seem very happening…i bummed a cigarette from a fat old couple…they suggested i hit up “winberie’s restaurant + bar” up the block (the old man said it was “cheaper”)…i asked the bartender where the nearest ATM was…he said there was a PNC Bank ATM right on nassau street…i withdrew $60 from the account (with a $3 surcharge)…i ordered a budweiser and a glass of water..i bummed a cigarette outside off the crazy soccer player…he was talking in a thick accent about his love of cocaine…he went back inside and took a spill himself…then he walked himself home…

i’ve been spending way too much money…the funds will be running low soon enough…i should just grow some balls and cash mama’s second blank check (i was thinking of writing some big figure like 3K before she discovers the hit)…

i wanted to protect my stash but christopher wanted to use one dimebag each to roll a blunt…so we went to his basement and he rolled the blunt…now i’m left with one dimebag (probably not even enough dope for a simple joint)…i was forced to endure more of his silly youtube jam band videos until sometime before 5am…he plied me with free yeunglings and marlboros to complement the dope…finally i went back to the room and pigged out (bite-sized tostitos with basil spinach hummus / those terrible cookies mama sent me / a peanut butter + grape jelly sandwich on white bread / green beans)…i couldn’t fall asleep…started getting a general sense of paranoia (along with overwhelming horniness)…i finally rubbed one out the next morning…now i’m running out of clean clothes…it’s still boiling hot in my room…mama called me but i was too tired to talk…she was about to take a hike in santa fe…jonathan and christopher knocked on my window and aroused me from my slumber…they want to drink all day and hit golf balls into the neighbor’s yards…sounds like trouble…jonathan alluded to christopher’s claim of a “hilarious” night…they asked me to come outside but i stayed in the room…instead i rubbed one out…

may as well go out tonight…after pigging out last night i’ve been taking big healthy shits…with only paper towels for toilet paper…

i knew i shouldn’t have introduced the rolland runts back into my life…now i’m receiving prank phone calls from their manboy friends…

17 june:

finally finished “buffalo chicken”…i’m pleased with the results…i didn’t do much else…smoked two joints…drank almost half my handle of vodka…did lots of dip…wasted time FB chatting with the rolland runts…

i finally pigged out on pretzels, tortilla chips, blueberry yogurt…to make matters worse, i stayed up until 6am for my dunkin donuts run…toasted everything bagel with vegetable cream cheese / toasted sesame bagel with butter / tuna melt on toasted everything bagel…this got me to sleep…woke up sometime past noon…missed a call from AI…realized that emma kurz blocked me on facebook…what the hell?…and vanessa romero didn’t accept my FB request yet…she texted me back saying she’s in north carolina until tuesday then working the rest of the week…she’ll be in atlantic city this weekend…i’ve gotta make my move…i told her it was “great” meeting her…she said that it was merely “nice” meeting me…that’s not a good sign…

18 june:

the dope is making me awfully sleepy (and hungry)…

now i’ve got the two alcoholics from downstairs constantly wanting to hang out with me…knocking on my window/door all evening…someone else did too but i didn’t answer (was it mun hoe complaining about the dope smoke or eric paul coming for his utility bill?)…

makes it impossible for me to sneak a joint…if i go to the back porch, the two bozos will want in…and it’s bad form to smoke a joint on the front step…i missed lisa before she left for work yesterday…i should’ve just bought the dope from her while she was still outside…she doesn’t have a voicemail set up…she did call me back before midnight (although she probably doesn’t even know my #)…

the dope smoking is causing me to sleep more than ever…10pm – 3am and then 6am – noon…now i’m out of dip and running low on vodka…haven’t showered nor brushed teeth in days…and i’m all out of clean clothes…

the dope is also causing me to eat more than ever…3 more slices from the local pizza star (plain / ricotta / vegetable sicilian)…then cookies and peanut butter later in the evening…

tried calling mike but it seems his # has changed…and mama didn’t answer her phone…

vanessa romero accepted the friend request…

now i’m on the last of the vodka…and lisa isn’t home (or isn’t answering her door)…it’s another rainy day…

19 june:

my benadryl tablets have mysteriously disappeared…ransacked the room looking for them in order to get me to sleep…i mysteriously have a skinned right knee…i got wobbly drunk last night but i’m still working straight through the “last cloud” tracks…last night i recorded the acoustic + bass for the title track…onto “too blue”…i aim to finish off the “last cloud” tracking tonight…then i may hit up karaoke night @ the ivy inn (if i haven’t already been banned)…

my alarm clock didn’t wake me up @ 11am…finally rose round noon…missed phone calls from AI / the rolland runts / mama…

mama came by to take me to lunch…we went to the blue point grill (258 nassau street)…parking was a bit of a problem…i had fried calamari and fish tacos (plus a minute maid lemonade / orange soda / bottled water)…mama gave me another bottled water as i was doing my laundry…lots of hot girls walking ’round in short skirts…

she brought me a $100 gift card to mccaffrey’s…i spent it on a lemon arizona iced tea / red bull / marlboro reds…

i ended up getting a take-out order of lamb curry from cross culture indian restaurant last night…spent around $18…i would’ve hit up the mexican joint but they were closing ’round 9:30pm…

did my laundry…knocked on lisa’s door…she didn’t answer my phone calls last night (nor did christopher)…they were up late “watching basketball” (and having sex)…she walked to work ’round 3:30pm…she told me that her sister is friends with “tom” (the guy who was supposed to book me @ the alchemist)…he hired her…she told me that i’d have the “50” by tonight…we’ll see…

took a few healthy shits…got half the handle of vodka to get me through the day…went through that skoal dip in no time…back to cigarettes…got hung up on emma last night and messaged one of her “followers” bob gleason (who looked like santa claus)…i’m assuming she defriended him…but how did she meet him in the first place?…i also told off the other “emma” (the one who facebook blocked me)…chatted with champ…he seems to be ready to move on from JPmorgan…

mun hoe’s girlfriend is STILL here…

i’ve been drowsy all week…probably from the overheated room…mama didn’t bring the window fan like she said she would…

20 june:

i’m almost out of booze…stupid fucking lisa bozo never called me back…i got her at about 11:30pm with a bunch of noise…she’s full of shit…someone slammed the door really loudly last night…i’m guessing it was mun hoe’s girlfriend?…he’s out on the front porch drinking miller lite and looking up chinese pop stars on his iphone…the dumb fuck…i went through the entire pack of marlboros…last one i smoked was @ 6:15am…jonathan was running for the train…i still have one more track to go for “last cloud”…that is, “dopeland”…anna greenberg told me to “please stop contacting” her and that she “reported me” (to who?)…i said “please tell me you have big tits”…typical jap…

now i’ve gotta get another handle of vodka…i’m smoking another pack of marlboros…i hit up the breakfast buffet @ mccaffrey’s…tried hitting on girls but they weren’t having it…one actually took a picture of me “to send to her boyfriend”…little cunt…i sent a religious-based lashout voicemail to mama…AI still don’t call me back…the rolland runts are still distracting me…spoke with king louis moraga last night about the hauer twins…i am still drowsy as ever…lisa texted me @ 9am and told me she has my “50” but she’s out of work @ 5pm…we’ll see…

i finished the basic tracking for “last cloud”…now what?…FREEDOM…

my camera hasn’t been able to connect to the USB hub…wtf?

my right sandle broke…AI and cheryl lynn still aren’t answering my calls…and my phone cuts off in mid-call…fucking weird…

another karaoke night @ the ivy inn…

refilled the handle of vodka…met a 35-year-old divorcee named “michelle mahoney”…she works at the local hair salon…(she has a boyfriend)…she wouldn’t give me her number (only a cigarette light)…still playing “phone tag” w/ AI…

chatted w/ AI…now what?…still waiting on lisa…is it time to start drinking?

i decided to take a shower and clean myself up…still chain smoking…lisa is home from work ’round 6:30pm…the alchemist opens @ 11am…eric paul is home as well…called back cheryl lynn…she’s sending me a window fan tomorrow…now i’m going to smoke with lisa…

i was sucked into a smoke session with lisa ’round 6:30pm…we mostly smoked her joint…she rolled a joint with a dollar bill and we smoked out of her bowl…i brought out my guitar but only noodled…at least i’ve got a healthy stash of grass (although lisa admitted that she got the better “50” from her boyfriend)…

21 june:

wrote a great new song called “aphrodisiac”…it’ll probably become a part of the “ultimus romanorum” song cycle (though it reflects a more greek perspective)…also complements the song “transit of venus”…got some good vocals down but failed to organize the backing tracks…that’s today’s mission…

instead i ate a few peanut butter and jelly sandwiches along with some cookies…then i looked at pictures of girls and rubbed one out…couldn’t fall asleep until sometime after 7am…was up sometime after noon (to the overbearing sound of landscapers)…now i want to smoke a joint but i know christopher will interrupt me…he seems to be having an affair with lisa…they watched the miami heat / san antonio spurs game last night (miami heat won) and christopher drove to wawa for cigarettes (a drunken jonathan swiped his pack)…i think that they all secretly talk behind my back…

22 june:

the first day of summer…lisa’s birthday…christopher’s brother’s birthday…christopher was out for the evening and lisa was working until 3pm…

made some progress on the “aphrodisiac” recording but then i got distracted…my joints won’t stay lit…i really need to buy a lighter…ordered a 20oz burger / fries / onion rings / fountain pepsi from “cheeburger cheeburger” round 5pm…cost me around $21…that knocked me out until the late evening…whenever i tried to drink my vodka, i got nauseous…finally jonathan came knocking on my window looking to score dope from lisa…the poor fuck wants to lump me into his alcoholic lifestyle…at least he gives me cigarettes…but then he mistakenly ashed into my vodka cup (i drank it anyway)…mama got me the westpointe window fan and it slightly improved matters…still, this means i have to keep my window open and hear all of the usual landscaping cacophony…chatted with doctor green, champ, and AI on the phone in the early evening…

i finally decided to head to the ivy inn around 11pm…finally worked up the courage to enter the premises at midnight…$3 cover…thankfully none of the bouncers gave me any shit…there was a DJ playing in lieu of the normal friday night band…it was fucking packed…went to the back porch and started bumming cigarettes…saw all the same old faces…some bearded dude mentioned that “heather” (the trenton blonde from a weeks ago) wanted me badly…she was pretty nasty though…finally chatted up two italian au pairs “arianna” and “silvia”…they were smoking cigarettes imported from italy and having a few drinks…their cleavage was well on display…silvia the more attractive brunette looked like a hot blue-eyed russian chick…arianna was a chubbier blue-eyed blonde (although equipped with the more impressive rack)…as i began to make progress, some wannabe comedian (probably jewish) goofily worked his way into the conversation…he was with a few friends (one of whom i recognized from the alchemist open mics)…that dude was the quietest of the bunch (reminded me of stoic “mikey palma” from my JPmorgan days)…before long, a bigger dude (some schlump who did sales @ a technology firm) also worked his way into the conversation and i was barricaded out of the loop…some little guitar player in their group felt bad for me…it was his birthday…he tried to say something to his friends but ultimately reassured me that “they’ll both strike out anyway”…so i talked to two chicks from chile…one chick was married and the other had a boyfriend of two months…worked at some research laboratory…moving right along, i chatted up 3 more au pairs (two from germany / one from ecuador)…the blonde german girl was the only one worth pursuing…she came complete with hippie braids…but she left the group after 5 minutes…so i went back to the italian au pairs (who were now completely surrounded by the group of schlumps)…finally got both their numbers when they closed the back porch and we made our way indoors…(609)533-1871 and (609)529-9245…but the group of schlumps continued to buzz around like hungry little flies…so i abandoned the group and went to play guitar in the parking lot with a big black blowhard who played a bongo drum…don’t understand why i can’t book a gig at the ivy after all these months…even the two little schlumps in the group claimed that they played as an acoustic duo there a few fridays ago…fearing that the cops would be called if i continued to play any longer, i decided to head home…rubbed one out and found my benadryl tablets…i took 6 of them and went to sleep sometime past 3am…i laid in bed ’til sometime after 2pm…nasty shits and farts from the “cheeburger cheeburger” meal yesterday…now it’s time to head to mccaffrey’s…may as well buy some cigarettes and a lighter…

the group of schlumps last night told me i looked like “jonathan snow” from the HBO show “game of thrones” (which i’ve never watched)…played by english actor “kit harington”…why am i constantly being compared to HBO leading men?

23 june:

got a working version of “aphrodisiac” posted to youtube…

stole 5 eggs from mun hoe late last night and made some egg sandwiches on white bread…

smoked a few joints…smoked all my cigarettes…drank most of the vodka…

mun hoe complained about the noise downstairs late last night…this could be the beginning of bad relations in the house…jonathan is a troublemaker (although he hasn’t complained about my music yet)…he got into an argument with lisa last night because she didn’t bring him dope…

went to bed ’round 4:30am…woke up in a daze sometime after 8am…walked to mccaffrey’s for another pack of cigarettes (the old wench behind the counter informed me her drummer nephew was “too busy” and is “getting married”)…i told her to forget it…also got a carton of potato salad, red bull, peach snapple, grape snapple…ate some potato salad and smoked a joint…i think i insulted roboray’s new band last night via facebook…

mun hoe and his girlfriend are moving out along with me…so i doubt he’ll cause me any trouble from here on out…eric paul is home…christopher is working…

called up mama in an angry mood this morning…luckily she didn’t pick up…she was at “children’s mass” (9am)…

took a few healthy shits…everytime i go smoke a cigarette on the back porch i run into jonathan…

24 june:

fleshed out a fuller version of “aphrodisiac”…added a one-chord chorus, minor-key intro, and vocal contrapuntal outro…voice feels in top form (must be a combination of the dope / cigarettes / vodka)…should’ve recorded more…instead i got aimless after completing the working version of “aphrodisiac”…i have a healthy supply of vodka but went through another pack of cigarettes…and the dope supply is running low…

dope makes me hungry, horny, and sleepy…so instead of working on music, i jacked off twice and pigged out on potato salad and a PB+J…then i fell asleep from 10pm – 3am and then again from 5am – noon.  i’m wasting my life in bed.  even though it’s scorchingly hot in the bedroom…

gotta figure out how to transfer money from the amazon business account to the bank of america checking account…that’s today’s priority…

25 june:

joseph battiato “shared” the latest aphrodisiac post on FB…other than that i’ve gotten no response…chatted with AI and doctor green…mama left me a voicemail…

slept from 3:30am – 10:30am…bought more cigarettes (spending the last of my mccaffrey’s card)…got a tuna melt on toasted everything bagel and toasted everything bagel with cream cheese (along with a fruit punch powerade) from dunkin donuts…jonathan skipped out on work again…he drinks 7-8 steel reserve cans a day and smokes marlboro 100s…now he’s asking to borrow money from me…he shaved his goatee…he often repeats himself…he’s beginning to bore me…

i waited too long to transfer the $1969 from my amazon business account to the checking account…now they claim it will take “5-7 business days”…here’s hoping it will land in the account by the time july rent is due…

focusing on the synthesizer parts for the “dopeland” album…didn’t get very far last night…out of dope (oh well)…went on a bit of a facebook rampage (oh well)…

26 june:

i transferred the amazon business funds to the checking account…i wasted most of the rest of the day away on booze and cigarettes…bought a tin of copenhagen long cut dip (they were out of grizzly)…i’m unbelievably horny…talked to mama…she wants to come for lunch @ 2pm on thursday…talked to champ…he’s at a yankees game…wasted a lot of time on the rolland runts…daniel claims that alexander kenwell called him 4 times out of “concern” for me…i could’ve made a lot of good music today but i needed more direction…just working through the “dopeland” album…and cashman (after i fired him up) shouted down the loud landscaper @ 7:30pm…mccaffrey’s seems to close its doors before 9pm…tried to pick up @ blonde waitress at the “euro-american bistro”…she said she’d give me her number but in a few minutes she was accompanied by an overweight facial-haired man (no surprise there!)…i was gonna go to sleep but i can’t seem to reach orgasm…even though i’ve got a lot of prospects (as well as narcissistic supply)…

the night was wasted on booze and idle digital + cellular chatter…the rolland runts…even though doctor green’s phone kept “dying”…i found out that monica o’malley had the “hugest crush” on me @ governor’s school and thought i didn’t “know she was alive”…she said this in response to a disparaging comment i wrote to her about her dorky husband…carly defaria (aidan ireland’s friend) became a friend after i looked her up on aidan’s friends list…i showed her the “hi carly!” song (‘i don’t know whether to be flattered or terrified’)…i offered to do her calculus 2 homework (she’s taking a summer class between semesters @ the university of richmond) and she offered to “inspire more songs” in return…

i foolishly took 6 benadryl tablets and promptly passed out until sometime near 1pm…i even took several naps on the common room couch since it’s much cooler in there…re-situated the window fan to the side of my bed…i forgot to eat yesterday…got two slices of pizza (vegetable sicilian and white cheese) / a reese’s fast break bar + snickers bar / arizona lemon iced tea / orangina … plus the new issue of “rolling stone” (since i didn’t feel like walking back to the house with the pizza)…the magazine still seems to be hung up on jonathan depp…i cut across the usual yard on the way back…much to my embarrassment, someone was piddling about in the back shed but i kept right on walking…

the funds have already hit the bank account…2K in the bank…i should finally clean myself up and go to the ivy inn for karaoke night with the rest of the losers…though i never have much luck picking up chicks there…

rubbed another one out…my reese’s fast break candy bar melted in my jeans pocket…christopher and jonathan’s bathroom are flooding…i didn’t have a mop for them…both of them don’t want the landlord snooping around when they aren’t there…lisa gave me a drag from her one hitter (she broke her bowl in christopher’s apartment)…she said she could get me another $50 of dope by friday (she’s off work tomorrow)…

27 june:

finally cleaned up my act and headed to the ivy inn ’round 11pm…the grey-haired jackass bouncer was waiting for me at the door…he seems to have accepted me by now…justin also apologized to me for the misunderstanding…sang my usual “oh! darling” and “maybe i’m amazed”…voice still in top form…still bumming cigarettes…chewed the last of my dip (though i have a healthy supply of copenhagen)…met the same ivy regular “thomas”…he offered to sell me cocaine and invited me back to his house…he’s living at his aunt’s house for free these days…finally started chatting up a hipster chick named “jessica faust”…she hails from massachusetts and works at a plasma physics laboratory in princeton…she was with a fat black chick named “nicole” who also worked at the lab…there’s a $10 minimum for debit cards @ the ivy inn…so i got two gin and tonics and a guinness (along with a glass of water)…i followed the two chicks to the local wawa…held hands with jessica along the way…they spent too much time goofing off in wawa (i just bought a pack of camel turkish golds)…meanwhile, we attracted another male hanger-on (some chubby jewish goofball who had also interfered during my night with tricia bitteto)…the girls were flirting with the young male cashier (he was showing them pictures of his fire truck)…i went outside to smoke a cigarette…started talking to some shirtless young male locals…a vagrant black man asked me for a cigarette and i complied…he offered me 35 cents for another cigarette…i told him i was all out…

went back to the house and rubbed one out…tried to upload pictures from the camera to the computer but it ended up improperly ejecting several external hard drives…i panicked and restarted the computer…now all seems well (though i’m now terrified of connecting the camera to the computer)…stayed up until 6am and woke up sometime before 1pm…missed a call from mama…tried calling back but she didn’t pick up…i guess she’ll come b(u)y tomorrow @ 11am so we can pick up guitar strings…hope this won’t interfere with the dope delivery from lisa…

the vodka + cigarette combo is starting to get to me…coughing up lots of mucus and i just threw up a stomachful of vodka while smoking a cigarette…

discovered that i can regenerate my mouse just by lifting it off the desk…finally able to upload pictures from the computer…lisa didn’t answer phone / text…

28 june:

another wasted day…

i was in the vocal zone for a while yesterday evening but i didn’t have the backing tracks to let loose on…and i fear ruining certain songs with extensive harmony overdubs…then i began smoking and drinking too much and my voice was soon shot…so i ended up getting 3 slices from pizza star (two ricotta / one vegetable sicilian)…they messed up the order and ended up giving me an extra ricotta slice + extra vegetable sicilian slice…too much food…

lisa is flaking on the dope delivery…she ended up working from 10am – 11pm friday so she couldn’t get me the dope that afternoon as promised…and she was a bit bitchy (probably because of some argument with christopher)…i ended up heading out to the ivy inn ’round 11pm with a plastic bottle of vodka in hand…ended up spilling a good deal of it along the way (which was probably all for the better as i was quite intoxicated)…i was planning to meet “jennifer arieta” there…i sang my usual “oh! darling” (pitch perfect as usual)…the karaoke dude skipped over my request for “don’t look back in anger”…jennifer blew me off to go talk to the chubby bald jewish dude…i chatted with the same old schlumps + regulars…”leo kay” is a guitarist performing in highstown tomorrow…they are all friends with jeffrey bassman…i ended up the night without a chick…spent $12 on a few gin and tonics…mocked the same old obnoxious female regulars…informed two other regulars that they had big tits…then i walked home…told off the “chubby + dark” jennifer arieta via text message…that made me feel better…

i anticipated mama’s 11am arrival…she drove me to the somerville guitar center where i ran into both “michaels” (my former co-workers)…bought two packs of hard dunlop picks, a pack of acoustic strings, and a pack of electric strings…mama didn’t offer to pay…she kept nagging me about my tendency to wear slippers out, my long hair (she offered to pay for a haircut @ “supercuts”), my teeth, an alleged stye on my eye, and more…i wasn’t invited to my cousin nicholas’s graduation party tomorrow (only because i’m “not allowed” to be in the proximity of the old man…unless of course a member of the family kicks the bucket)…this seems rather unfair…I’M more closely related to nicholas than he is!…i’ve gotta find a mode of transportation…we ended up arguing and she threatened to drop me off several times…finally parked at a local parking garage and ate lunch @ the alchemist + barrister…lisa ended up being our waitress…i ordered a caesar salad (with fresh pepper) / tiger burger (medium rare) / french fries along with several glasses of pineapple juice and water…i had lost my appetite already and was shaking due to alcohol withdrawal + sleeplessness…then mama took me to the local rite-aid and bought me toilet paper (along with cleaning supplies)…

i spent the rest of the day sweating in bed…jonathan continues to nag me via text message / window knocks / door knocks…he just wants to get to my vodka…that’s the last thing he needs!

i loaded up on another handle of vodka as well as a grizzly premium mint dip can…

rent is due on monday…i should utilize mama’s final blank check for this purpose…

now what?

29 june:

smoked the roaches of the last of my dope…

tried to do some vocal takes but my voice felt scratchy in the falsetto zone…just drinking and dipping…

sent a few “tell-off” emails to blumberg and cheryl lynn…(and bcc’ed them to a whole slew of people)…other than that, i’ve just been writing my autobiography (as usual)…

now what?

i stayed up until 6am and headed to dunkin donuts…got a turkey sausage sandwich on toasted sesame bagel (they didn’t have everything bagels) / toasted sesame bagel with vegetable cream cheese / fruit punch powerade…also bummed a cigarette from the middle-aged wench who works there (i got there before opening time)…though some old man walked in before opening time and they served him…

now it’s time to drink (and likely shit) all day…i’ll probably need more nicotine later…maybe i should crash nicholas’s graduation party…or at least try to pick up a chick around here…the sky’s the limit!

fell asleep until sometime before noon…

now christopher and jonathan are annoying me about their “flooding sinks”…the landlord is AWOL (for once)…spoke to AI…

jonathan’s relationship with me (just like “jimmy”) will turn from love –> hate…it’s only a matter of time…that sums up all my relationships (both female and male)…

lisa came through for me with the 1/8 of dope…$50…also gave jonathan $20 for two princeton junction –> NY Penn station train tickets…even though they were both the same way…and i want to get to the “lyons” station (nearest to nicholas’s graduation party)…he “guaranteed” me they’d work…i just want him off my back…

writing lots of new songs…”joey” and “mister bankrupt”…did some great lead vocals on “magic marker”…talked to doctor green for a half hour before he hung up on me…

now i’m back in the creative groove!  (even though these joints STILL won’t stay lit!)

my right index finger has a nasty cut (burn?)…making it hard to play guitar (as well as chew tobacco)…my laptop mouse has died once again…my desktop mouse has been flaky…

i went through this vodka bottle like a monster…2/3 gone…and smoked several joints…then i got two ricotta slices / one broccoli slice and an arizona lemon iced tea ’round 9pm and promptly passed out until 11pm…

then i showered up…

now it’s time to go out…


*30 june 2013*

jonathan is going to turn into a major problem…he cursed me out again after i refused to give him dope…i gave it right back to him and he backed down…i felt bad and so we smoked a joint together…then he gave me a cigarette while he talked about the time he fleed from 5 black drug dealers in harlem after stealing two eight-balls from them…i promptly locked my doors and left…

i drank my screwdriver in a vitamin water bottle on the walk to the ivy inn…then i got paranoid about public drinking and stuck the bottle in the guitar case…this ended up hurting my back…turns out the “jewish wannabe comedian” i met up with at the ivy inn had gotten a ticket for an open alcoholic beverage (a flask of whiskey) that very evening…he and leo kay were back with the italian au pairs on the back porch…there was a male blonde “third wheel” as well…i bummed a cigarette from silvia (the hotter italian au pair)…the two fat chicks i’d known (“stella and amanda”) even blew me off (they looked much worse than usual)…a 3-piece band (bongo drums / bass / acoustic guitar) performed beatles covers and jams…i’ve gotta book a show there…the jew comedian told me they pay each band member $300…nobody’s answering my phone calls…i ran into lisa and her boyfriend…told her i’d have given her the $50 but didn’t want to leave it under her door with jonathan lurking around…her boyfriend was sketched out by him…i bummed a cigarette from him…i thought they’d offer me a ride home (he lives near princeton junction)…they didn’t…

i’ve got a real bad taste in my mouth…i suppose i’ll spend the night mixing down the “magic marker” vocals…i’ve got the laptop mouse back in working order…

stayed up until dunkin donuts opened…got a “hot n spicy” sandwich on toasted everything bagel / toasted everything bagel with vegetable cream cheese / sesame bagel with butter…the lady fucked up and gave me an extra everything bagel with cream cheese…i ate it all down…

i returned lisa her passport and slipped $50 under her door (the passport wouldn’t fit under the door)…she’s working until 10pm today…i also moved her diesel shoebox from the back porch into the house…

i stayed in bed until 2pm…now i’m debating whether or not to call up nicholas and get myself to his party…

i feel i’ll only be disappointed (at best) in the end (…and arrested at worst)…

also, i’m horny as a goat…






👈👈👈 ☜ *“JUNE 2012”*


*“JUNE 2014”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“JUNE JOURNALS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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