“mother’s day 2015”

*10 may 2015*

(monetti mother’s day)



(again i can’t spend time with cheryl)
(because she’ll be with her husband and other kids)
(her mother is dead)
(but the old man’s mother is still alive)
(and she’s not a grandmother yet)

(i left a voicemail for her @ 3pm)

(she didn’t call back)

(sent her “less than zero” track on bandcamp via email)
(because it included a verse + chorus of “cheryl lynn”)

i went to bed sometime after 1am last night…gonzo left me some grass (enough for 4 bowls) but told me to wait for him to smoke it the next day…he left at midnight without saying a word…i ended up smoking the rest of the bowl that we had smoked earlier…then i smoked two small bowls the next day…i smoked cigarettes but they just made me tired…

kept working on tracking “zero”…then i’ll finally be “caught up with myself” in some sense…9 more minutes and i’m up to the 78-minute mark for the spring 2015 song cycle…

ate beef stew + white bread before bed…was i supposed to cook it?…some peanut butter / pound cake / craisins…peanut butter snickers…had some nasty diarrhea all day…my asshole started to sting…was it from the monsters yesterday?…my teeth hurt…

gonzo came by and we smoked a bowl…i convinced him that i only smoked the rest of the bowl from last night…now we’re at the library until close…enough grass for 1-2 small bowls now…when will he leave?…he’s got a work week ahead…i’ll probably get a call from pilar and/or elisa monday…i’ve gotta get back in NYC and make money…start selling the blackthorn tickets…load up on grass…make another video…now i’m out of intoxicants…visit arv later and smoke his stash?…

do a livestream with annie monetti…

aaron will be pissed at me for drinking his tequila…

not eating all day because i’m trying to flush out my system…drinking two starbucks frappuccinos…smoking the last of the american spirits…gotta record a bassline for “zero” and then keep on recording…i’m still keeping the celibacy streak alive…

haven’t jacked off in weeks…

i think it’s good for me…






👈👈👈 ☜ *“MOTHER’S DAY 2014”*


*“MOTHER’S DAY 2016”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“MOTHER’S DAY DIARIES”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. “mother’s day 2014” – "kingdom of JoGa"
  2. *mother’s day diaries* – "kingdom of JoGa"

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