

i was hoping someone could offer some guidance in handling a botched wp migration

in late 2017, i began hosting “kingdomofjoga.com” with ‘bluehost


“kingdomofjoga.com” is a consolidation of my 3 former free wp.com blogs…





i opted for ‘paid migration’ via bluehost’

(and so i wasn’t anticipating any broken URL/hyperlink errors that couldn’t be fixed by ‘bluehost tek support’)


most of the links had correctly converted “jogajungle.wordpress” to “kingdomofjoga” in the URL..

however, my new website is huge with thousands of posts / hyperlinks and it took a few days until i stumbled on some expired URL (the jogajungle.wordpress.com which is no longer active


i reached out to bluehost tek support and they told me that had been able to replace all broken links with the updated URL.

however this broke my site and so i frantically told them just to ‘undo’ whatever they had ‘done’

…and i would start updating the old URLs manually whenever i came across them.


since the consolidation of my 3 free wp.com accounts was not properly executed, i was looking for a quicker automatic solution


i installed the wp plug-in ‘broken links checker’ –>



then i tried conducting a URL search for “jogajungle.wordpress” in the ‘broken links’ list




(the ‘search results’ default ‘list size’ is ‘1 – 100’)

(since i can only ‘bulk action’ update 100 at a time, 160x of that is doable but would suck)


(ao i go to ‘ search options’ and set to its maximum list size of ‘999’…)


(after clicking ‘apply’, it still only lists 100…)


(i try to bulk-edit the URL change…)



(i click ‘update’ and get this message…)


i managed to totally consolidate the 3rd “justlikesecondnature.com” site to my new site.

the 2nd site “jogaungle.wordpress” is no longer accessible to me but i’ve also got everything i need from it.
(i may have lost some photos in the jogajungle ‘media library’

the 3rd site ‘dopeland’ was my first free site….

it also was the original media library source for thousands of image files incorporated into my current site.

it was identifiable in the URL as “dopeland.files.wordpress.com” instead of “kingdomofjoga.com”


















🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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