“our timeline”
*december 5th*

(‘common year’)


(‘leap year’)


(‘common year’)


(‘common year’)


(‘common year’)


(‘leap year’)


(‘common year’)


(‘common year’)


(‘common year’)


(‘leap year’)



i somehow fell asleep past 8pm (so i couldn’t load back up on D+D and booze)…

now i’m down to 4 cigarettes and the rest of this booze…

it’s nearing 11pm…

ate some more year-old hummus with the rest of the tortillas as well as a blueberry yogurt…

then i cooked some liquid egg whites (without first prepping the cooking pan…

this made quite a mess)…

shaolin walked in on me cooking the eggs but didn’t seem upset (as they were well past their expiration date)…

i used the whole wheat bread that has been in the refrigerator since i moved in here (i also added salt and ketchup)…

up in the early morning hours…

got my usual morning coffee…

i couldn’t drink all day as mama was set to arrive @ 2pm…

so i watched “smothering” videos on the internet instead…

these videos feature busty women smothering weak old men with breasts to face…

it seems to be a british thing…

some perverted form of “girl power”…

brit negress “danica collins” seems to be the most appealing of the bunch…

mama came bearing groceries…i used her phone to dial up the austin police department…i don’t much care for blackberries (i’d like my old iphone back!)…the blackberry is too quiet in the earpiece and too complicated to navigate…the austin police dispatcher had a woman with an almost indecipherable hispanic accent so i made no progress with her…later on i found out that the police had left my driver’s license @ the airport “by mistake” (knowing that i’d probably then be unable to board a subsequent flight)…they suggested i check the airport “lost and found”…i still also haven’t received the letter in the mail which would give consent to release my guitar from the holding station to mark (it’s been a full week now)…they said they’d re-send the letter… at the bridgewater apple store, i was told that i’d have to go through “apple care” (with headquarters coincidentally enough in austin TX)…so again i was forced to rely on el madre’s phone…getting cut off the first time, i finally got through to another hispanic-accented receptionist who finally informed me that they’d be mailing me a rebate check of $260 within 3 business days…the apple “genius” said that they wouldn’t be able to recover my old hard drive (even though at the outset they offered to do this for $100)…this time, he claimed that apple goes through third-party vendors and that it’d cost ~$1200…the receptionist also told me that she’d “look into” mailing me a new final cut express installation CD… i got a large cheesesteak / french fries / pepsi @ “charley’s” at the bridgewater food court… it seems the landlord called up my mother and informed her that he was “worried about me” (mentioning my taking food from the roommates and playing loud music)…i’m not sure whether he mentioned my cigarette-smoking…she didn’t mention this to me until we were on our way back to princeton…she gave me the $30 to pick up my dry cleaning and i gave her john’s T-shirt and jeans to wash so that i can give it to mark over the holidays to return to austin… i was so tired upon arrival back @ the house (round 5pm) that i fell asleep until past 8pm…therefore i couldn’t pick up any liquor…this is probably a good thing (i’m fast running out of dough)…mama will come sometime next week to sell off my equipment (borrowing the old man’s yukon for transportation)…it seems they’ve opened a new guitar center in somerville (i think that’s the best bet to sell off the equipment)…she also insists that i get a new driver’s license and haircut… i lounged around the rest of the evening…gorging on pretzel rods, blueberry yogurt, cheese and crackers,

chocolate chip granola bars…

now i’m back up at a reasonable hour (although with a scratchy throat)…


(‘common year’)


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(‘common year’)


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(‘common year’)


(‘common year’)


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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥