“application layer”
*the internet protocol suite*

*an ‘application layer’ is an ‘abstraction layer’ that specifies the [shared ‘communications protocols’ / ‘inter-face methods’] used by ‘hosts’ in a ‘communications network’*












The application layer abstraction is used in both of the standard models of computer networking:

the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP)

and the OSI model


Although both models use the same term for their respective highest-level layer, the detailed definitions and purposes are different


Internet protocol suite

In the Internet protocol suite, the application layer contains the communications protocols and interface methods used in process-to-process communications across an Internet Protocol (IP) computer network.[4] The application layer only standardizes communication and depends upon the underlying transport layer protocols to establish host-to-host data transfer channels and manage the data exchange in a client–server or peer-to-peer networking model.[5] Though the TCP/IP application layer does not describe specific rules or data formats that applications must consider when communicating, the original specification (in RFC 1123) does rely on and recommend the robustness principle for application design.[6][7]

OSI model[edit]
In the OSI model, the definition of the application layer is narrower in scope.[8] The OSI model defines the application layer as only the interface responsible for communicating with host-based and user-facing applications.[9] OSI then explicitly distinguishes the functionality of two additional layers, the session layer and presentation layer, as separate levels below the application layer and above the transport layer. OSI specifies a strict modular separation of functionality at these layers and provides protocol implementations for each. In contrast, the Internet Protocol Suite compiles these functions into a single layer.[9]

Originally the OSI model consisted of two kinds of application layer services with their related protocols.[10] These two sublayers are the common application service element (CASE) and specific application service element (SASE).[11] Generally, an application layer protocol is realized by the use of the functionality of a number of application service elements.[12] Some application service elements invoke different procedures based on the version of the session service available.[13]

The common application service element sublayer provides services for the application layer and request services from the session layer. It provides support for common application services, such as:

ACSE (Association Control Service Element)[11]
ROSE (Remote Operation Service Element)
CCR (Commitment Concurrency and Recovery)
RTSE (Reliable Transfer Service Element)
The specific application service element sublayer provides application specific services (protocols), such as:

FTAM (File Transfer, Access and Manager)

VT (Virtual Terminal)

MOTIS (Message Oriented Text Interchange Standard)

CMIP (Common Management Information Protocol)

JTM (Job Transfer and Manipulation) a former OSI standard

MMS (Manufacturing Messaging Service)

RDA (Remote Database Access)

DTP (Distributed Transaction Processing)


The IETF definition document for the application layer in the Internet Protocol Suite is RFC 1123. It provided an initial set of protocols that covered the major aspects of the functionality of the early Internet:[6]

Remote login to hosts: Telnet

File transfer: File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)

Electronic mail transport: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Networking support: Domain Name System (DNS)

Host initialization: BOOTP

Remote host management: Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), Common Management Information Protocol over TCP (CMOT)


Additional notable application-layer protocols include the following:

9P, Plan 9 from Bell Labs distributed file system protocol

AFP, Apple Filing Protocol

APPC, Advanced Program-to-Program Communication

AMQP, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol

Atom Publishing Protocol

BEEP, Block Extensible Exchange Protocol



CFDP, Coherent File Distribution Protocol

CoAP, Constrained Application Protocol

DDS, Data Distribution Service



ENRP, Endpoint Handlespace Redundancy Protocol

FastTrack (KaZaa, Grokster, iMesh)

Finger, User Information Protocol


FTAM, File Transfer Access and Management

Gopher, Gopher protocol

HL7, Health Level Seven

HTTP, Hypertext Transfer Protocol

H.323, Packet-Based Multimedia Communications System

IMAP, Internet Message Access Protocol

IRC, Internet Relay Chat

IPFS, InterPlanetary File System


LDAP, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

LPD, Line Printer Daemon Protocol

MIME (S-MIME), Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions and Secure MIME


MQTT Protocol


NFS, Network File System

NIS, Network Information Service

NNTP, Network News Transfer Protocol

NTCIP, National Transportation Communications for Intelligent Transportation System Protocol

NTP, Network Time Protocol

OSCAR, AOL Instant Messenger Protocol

POP, Post Office Protocol

PNRP, Peer Name Resolution Protocol

RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol

RELP, Reliable Event Logging Protocol

RFP, Remote Framebuffer Protocol

Rlogin, Remote Login in UNIX Systems

RPC, Remote Procedure Call



“Real Time Messaging Protocol”


RTP, Real-time Transport Protocol

RTPS, Real Time Publish Subscribe

RTSP, Real Time Streaming Protocol

SAP, Session Announcement Protocol

SDP, Session Description Protocol

SIP, Session Initiation Protocol

SLP, Service Location Protocol

SMB, Server Message Block

SMTP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNTP, Simple Network Time Protocol

SSH, Secure Shell

SSMS, Secure SMS Messaging Protocol

TCAP, Transaction Capabilities Application Part

TDS, Tabular Data Stream

Tor (anonymity network)


TSP, Time Stamp Protocol

VTP, Virtual Terminal Protocol

Whois (and RWhois), Remote Directory Access Protocol



X.400, Message Handling Service Protocol

X.500, Directory Access Protocol (DAP)

XMPP, Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol


DNS, Domain Name Services


^ “Application Layer | Layer 7”. The OSI-Model. Retrieved November 5, 2019.

^ “Four Layers of TCP/IP model, Comparison and Difference between TCP/IP and OSI models”. www.omnisecu.com. Retrieved November 5, 2019.

^ “What is the difference between TCP/IP and IP protocol?”. SearchNetworking. Retrieved November 5, 2019.

^ “What is the difference between TCP/IP and IP protocol?”. SearchNetworking. Retrieved November 5, 2019.

^ SEO, Bradley Mitchell An MIT graduate who brings years of technical experience to articles on; computers; Networking, Wireless. “What Is Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)?”. Lifewire. Retrieved November 5, 2019.

^ Jump up to: a b Robert Braden, ed. (October 1989). “RFC 1123: Requirements for Internet Hosts – Application and Support”. Network Working Group of the IETF.

^ “What is the Application Layer?”. www.tutorialspoint.com. Retrieved November 5, 2019.

^ Shaw, Keith (October 22, 2018). “The OSI model explained: How to understand (and remember) the 7 layer network model”. Network World. Retrieved November 5, 2019.

^ Jump up to: a b “What Is The OSI Model?”. CloudFlare. 2019. Retrieved November 4, 2019.

^ https://networkencyclopedia.com/application-layer/

^ Jump up to: a b Hura, Gurdeep (2001). “Application Layer”. Data and Computer Communications: Networking and Internetworking. CRC Press LLC. pp. 710–712.

^ https://tools.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1095

^ https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1085

External links[edit]

en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Application_layer

Application layer

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