*12 NOVEMBER 2014*



got 1:06am bus back from princeton after spending the night @ ‘lewis library’…

public safety cars + cop cars trailing me…

a blinking blue light at a public safety stop near the campus as i waited…

invigorated by the unseasonably warm weather and the tracks on my ipod as i walked back to the room…

smoked some cigarettes but i didn’t even need them…

wrote the skeleton chord structure for “altamont”…

then ate the rest of the peanut butter / grape jelly / oatnut bread and passed out…

dreamt of cristy chory @ saint mary’s…

i was marginally attracted to her as we cuddled…

a snowy 12-hour road trip to alaska with the old man behind the wheel (and michael anthony and i in the backseat)…i didn’t want to travel that long…then i was behind the wheel driving the family on route 78 by day…when suddenly i started swerving…the old man in the front seat got thrown…i was in danger of crashing the car…michael anthony frantically told me to pull into another lane (even though i was going through some ez pass lane already)…only caused more problems until i finally made it to the right shoulder…saw a cop car and figured he would give me a breathalyzer…i hadn’t been drinking…aunt jackie appeared on the scene and recounted how her friend had recently been given 6 years probation for drunk driving… then i was at a bar with the old man and michael anthony…turned out that the old man had given him $550K to invest to save his ass from getting fired…i pointed this out to them and the old man agreed… then i was in a valley view middle school classroom with anthony cumia and his radio show cast…trying my best to impress… michael anthony called me before 9am…he was getting breakfast…when i asked him whether he’s listened to the recent tracks he said no and promptly cut me off…then MMB called me before noon…decided to get my ass in gear…brushed my teeth and took a shit… then cheryl lynn arrived with the guitar / social security card (and a photocopy) / clothes / food…we went to russo music…paid $550 for the neck…matt was off that day…he’ll put the order in tomorrow…also got two packs of acoustic strings + a pack of nylon strings… then we headed into princeton…tandoori bite…i got a black coffee / coke / water / bread / buffet…stuffed myself… then we stopped at michael’s diner…cheryl bought me a large black “iced” coffee (hot coffee with iced cubes) and a corn muffin…then i lounged around and tried to use the coffee + cigarettes to get me fired up again…had to squeeze out a few shits first… finally got rolling with “altamont”…voice is in great form…the cigarettes only make me tired…the coffee helped…then the fucking computer shut down in the middle of a vocal take…another great vocal take erased (although i was filming it)…what the fuck?…it wasn’t even 6pm…tried calling AI…left a message… no word from damkani / enigma / MMB…enigma’s ford mustang was parked on the other side of the parking lot when i got back last night but he wasn’t in the car…what the fuck?… so i was going to walk to mercer county library and let the computer cool down…but i passed the 600 bus stop and saw the bus approaching…decided i may as well head into trenton and buy some four lokos…even though i wanted to hold off drinking until tomorrow night…i’ll drink one tonight…should just busk tonight and make more money…but the cops already shut me down last night…it may be the final warm night of the season… so i went to the mercer county community college computer lab…they are open until 9pm…

but the internet connection is spotty so it takes nearly a half-hour to upload one track to bandcamp…

then i need to suffer through a nasty half-hour bus ride back to the room…

hopefully i can get rolling with the recording of “altamont” again…

hopefully the computer will start working again…

hopefully my voice will stay strong…






👈👈👈 ☜ *“12 NOVEMBER 2013”*


*“12 NOVEMBER 2015”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“NOVEMBER 12TH”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥