-as of [14 JULY 2024]





This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-734.png








*when making beats, change to ‘notes’ view*

(default setting is ‘clips view’)

*in ‘notes view’, select the ‘pencil tool’ to insert MIDI notes*


*make sure that ‘pencil tool’ is in ‘free-hand mode’*







*bottom left corner* –>

*to add ‘automation lanes’ under the track*


*double-click the top ‘track name’ to enter the ‘name settings window’* –>


*right-click context menu* –>



*click the ‘upside down triangle button to right of ‘tracn name’ to bring up this menu* –>



*right-click on the right ‘audio meter’ to open this ‘context menu’* –>



(on ‘audio tracks’, there will be an ‘input monitor option button’*…)


*to ‘solo’ the track* –>


*to ‘mute’ the track’* –>



*’audio track’ view options* –>


*’instrument track’ view options* –>







(‘samples’ for ‘audio tracks’ / ‘ticks’ for ‘instrument tracks’)



(if a ‘plug-in’ has been selected, it will show up to the right of this button)



*for ‘instrument tracks’* –>




(visually re-size your tracks in the ‘edit window’)

(hover over the bottom left of a track to adjust height)

(the ‘height’ changes incrementally)

(to change non-discretely, hold down ‘command’ as you drag)

(to continuously change all tracks, hold down ‘option’ as you drag)

(to continuously change height of selected tracks, hold down ‘shift’ + ‘option’ as you drag)


(to re-size tracks proportionately, use the ‘vertical zoom’ in bottom right corner of ‘edit window’)


*to zoom into the timeline* –>

(in top left corner of ‘edit window’…)


(right click the ‘magnifying glass button’ to choose ‘normal zoom’ / ‘single zoom’)


(use ‘normal zoom’ to click into a single point in a track)

(all tracks are discretely zoomed with window centered around that location)

(to return to previous zoom, hold down ‘option’ and click again)


(to zoom only horizontally, use ‘normal zoom’)

(drag the cursor horizontally to your desired area)

(this horizontal region will fill the entire ‘edit window’)


(to zoom both horizontally/vertically, hold down ‘command’ as you drag horizontally)


*horizontal zoom*

*bottom right corner* –>


(drag the slider right to continuously adjust ‘horizontal zoom’)

(or you can hit the ‘minus’ + ‘plus’ slider bookend buttons to increase/decrease zoom incrementally)

(the other ‘left’/’right’ horizontal buttons will incrementally scroll horizontally through your project)


[COMMAND] + [ [ ] will decrease horizontal zoom incrementally

[COMMAND] + [ ] ] will increase horizontal zoom incrementally


(with keyboard focus ‘on’…)

r – “horizontal zoom in”

t – “horizontal zoom our”

b – “separate clip”








👈👈👈☜*-EDIT WINDOW-* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥