*18 NOVEMBER 2014*



smoked lucky strikes + the roach remnants…

nice high…

but also very horny…lots of watching may-december porn when maniac seemed to be asleep…he took a shower here in the afternoon…drank some of his grape sunkist…

gotta write “tiger cubs” and “letter to my editor”…got over 1 month to release the christmas album…

now he’s supposed to pick me up to go to princeton…where is he?…do i reveal to him that i’m getting food from church handouts?  then i’ll have to share…

chatted with AI…

gotta make thursday appointment for individual session…spend the day in trenton…

tomorrow cheryl comes for lunch…will she bring laundry and food?…

freezing cold day…first real cold day of the season…

i’m all out of food…

maniac came by before 6pm and we headed to princeton library…picked up food at crisis ministry…he paid $4.35 to print out his 29 text messages…smoked a cigarette…now we’re heading back past 7pm…i hope he has more dope (or at least money to buy me booze)…

cheryl comes tomorrow afternoon for lunch…call up the counselor (and melissa thomas) first…

maniac and i smoked two joints last night…we’ve started smoking in the bedroom…who gives a fuck anymore?…it’s too cold to go outside…

i offered him food but he declined…we smoked lucky strikes…i recorded guitar parts for “my dear helena”…

ate 2 bagels / sesame white bread / vegetable tuna salad / 3 cinnamon pastries / chunky peanut butter and passed out before midnight…

maniac was flipping out about his damn court case…






👈👈👈 ☜ *“18 NOVEMBER 2013”*


*“18 NOVEMBER 2015”* ☞ 👉👉👉



👈👈👈☜*“NOVEMBER 18TH”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥