*hebrew month #4 (of 12)*

(Hebrew: טֵבֵת, Standard Tevet; Tiberian Ṭēḇēṯ; Yemenite Ṭeveth; Ashkenazi Teves; from Akkadian ṭebētu)


Tevet is the fourth month of the civil year

and the tenth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar


It follows Kislev and precedes Shevat. It is a month of 29 days. Tevet usually occurs in December–January on the Gregorian calendar. In the Babylonian calendar its name was Araḫ Ṭebētum, the “muddy month”.

Gregorian new year[edit]
The Gregorian New Year’s Day (1 January) nearly always occurs in this month. Only rarely will it occur in either of the two neighbouring months (Kislev or Shevat).

Holidays in Tevet[edit]
25 Kislev – 2 Tevet – Hanukkah (or 3 Tevet if Kislev is short)
10 Tevet – Tenth of Tevet (Asara beTevet), a fast day

5 Tevet is celebrated as a holiday by Chabad Hasidim, commemorating the 1987 verdict concerning an inheritance claim on the books of Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneersohn.
Tevet in Jewish history and tradition[edit]
1 Tevet (circa 479 BC) – Esther was taken to King Achashverosh’s palace, leading to her becoming queen (Book of Esther 2:16-17).
10 Tevet (588 BC) – Nebuchadnezzar II’s armies besiege Jerusalem; now commemorated as a fast day.
10 Tevet (479 BC) – Esther appears before Achashverosh for the first time and is chosen by him to be the queen.
11 Tevet (1668) – Jews were expelled from Vienna, Austria, during the reign of Holy Roman Emperor Leopold the First.
17 Tevet (1728) – Shearith Israel, the first New York synagogue, erects its first building in Lower Manhattan.
20 Tevet (1483) – The first volume of the Babylonian Talmud, the tractate Berachot, is printed in Soncino, Italy.
22 Tevet (1496) – Expulsion of Jews from Portugal, four years after the expulsion from Spain.
24 Tevet (3rd century BC) – Jewish elders procure the translation of the Hebrew Bible into Greek (Septuagint) for Ptolemy II Philadelphus.[1]
24 Tevet (1812) – Death of the Alter Rebbe founder of the Chabad philosophy and author of the Tanya and Shulchan Aruch HaRav.
25 Tevet (1559) – Chovot HaLevavot published[citation needed]
Alexander the Great met the high priest after the Samaritans said the Jews intended to betray him [2]

28 Tevet (81 BC) – Shimon ben Shetach ejects the Sadducees from the Sanhedrin, replacing them with his Pharisaic disciples loyal to the Mishnah.[3]
See also[edit]
Jewish astrology
^ Mordechai Margoliouth (ed.), Halakhot Eretz Yisrael min ha-Genizah, Mossad Harav Kook: Jerusalem 1973, p. 141 (Hebrew)
^ talmud yoma tractate p.69a
^ “Day View”. Shimon ben Shetach successfully completed the expulsion of the Sadducees (a sect which denied the Oral Torah and the authority of the Sages) who had dominated the Sanhedrin (Supreme Court), replacing them with his Torah-loyal Pharisaic disciples
External links[edit]
This Month in Jewish History
Resources on the Month of Tevet

en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Tevet
Contributors to Wikimedia projects3-4 minutes 6/23/2003
← Kislew Tevet (טֵבֵת) Shevat →
Queen Esther

On the 1st of Tevet, Esther was crowned Queen of Persia.

Month number: 10

Number of days: 29

Season: Winter (Northern Hemisphere)

Gregorian equivalent: December–January








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👈👈👈☜*“THE 12 HEBREW MONTHS”* ☞ 👉👉👉









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