*great/holy monday*

“the cursing of the fig tree’

(included in 2 of 4 gospels)

(‘matthew’ and ‘mark’)

(jesus curses the ‘fig tree’ for being barren)

(and then the next day the fig tree had withered away)

(he tied this event in somehow to his general ‘people pleaser’ theme of “ask and ye shall receive”)

(funny how it only seems to work for him)

(as he prays to himself)

“cleansing of the temple”

(into “acts of the apostles”)

(“we were mad at the world…”)

(parallel with the ‘great flood’)

“noah’s ark”

(thousands of jews were making the pilgrimage to ‘jerusalem’ for ‘passover’)

(the ‘money changers’ were swapping the standard ‘greco-roman’ currency for ‘jewish’ + ‘tyrian’ money)

(‘tyrian purple’)

(‘the royal color’)

‘purple haze’

‘purple rain’

(i hate both of those songs by the way)

(and cannot understand how they came to be so revered by the masses)

(the ‘tyrians’ came from ‘lebanon’)

(probably derived from the ‘phoenicians’)

(who created one of the first ‘alphabets’)

(and also made major contributions to ‘sea exploration’)

(from ‘mediterranean sea’ to ‘atlantic ocean’)

“questioning of jesus’ authority”

(as he is teaching in the jerusalem ‘second temple’)

(which would be destroyed by the romans in less than 100 years)

(the chief priests (‘pharisees’) ask where thinks he is getting the ‘authority’ to speak on such spiritual matters)

(‘6 APRIL 2020’)








👈👈👈 ☜ *“PALM SUNDAY”*





👈👈👈☜*“HOLY WEEK”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥