*dark eyes*


(cheapest vodka)

less than $5 for a pint

31 july 2015:

arv and i split a pint of dark eyes last night…we chased it with two 24oz cans of PBR…cost us less than $8 (in wrapped pennies)…

30 july 2015:

gathering up arv’s pennies to buy some pints of dark eyes for tonight’s session
(@ franklin’s tavern)

(i still owe them $1 from last time)
(will he be fine with getting 2 pints?)

15 july 2015:

drank 1.5 pints of dark eyes vodka

1 december 2014:

a pint of dark eyes vodka (with my last $5) on saturday night…

mixed with eggnog…gandharva had a shot with me…totally fucked me up (after a 12-pack of natural ice during the day)…i tried stumbling to the bus stop but ended up falling down…lots of cuts…then came the withdrawals…

3 october 2014:

bought the cheapest pint of vodka at the local liquor store in the afternoon for $5.50 (or was it?)…”dark eyes”?…took it down straight with tap water chaser and newports in between…interrupted by a visit from a detective and general paranoid flashes…it made me very quick in terms of my computer work but i really just wanted to lie down and get the withdrawals over with…until monday…

went to the liquor store and got the cheapest pint of vodka (“dark eyes”) for $4.75 and a pack of newports…i’m already cringing at the thought of drinking it…especially with water as a mixer…but maybe this will force me to drink more slowly…






👈👈👈☜*“VODKA”* ☞ 👉👉👉









🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥*we won the war* 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥