-dental prosthesis-


-as of [28 APRIL 2024]


*a ‘dental prosthesis’ is an intra-oral (“inside the mouth”) prosthesis used to re-store (/ ‘re-construct’) ‘intra-oral defects’ such as…*

*missing teeth*

*missing parts of teeth*

*missing soft/hard structures of the ‘jaw’ / ‘palate’*


‘prostho-dontics’ is the ‘dental specialty’ that focuses on ‘dental prostheses’*

(practitioners are called ‘prostho-dontists’)


Such prostheses are used to rehabilitate mastication (chewing), improve aesthetics, and aid speech.

A dental prosthesis may be held in place by connecting to teeth or dental implants, by suction, or by being held passively by surrounding muscles.

Like other types of prostheses, they can either be fixed permanently or removable;

fixed prosthodontics and removable dentures are made in many variations.

Permanently fixed dental prostheses use dental adhesive or screws, to attach to teeth or dental implants


Removal prostheses may use

friction against parallel hard surfaces and undercuts of adjacent teeth or dental implants,

suction using the mucous retention (with or without aid from denture adhesives),

and by exploiting the surrounding muscles and anatomical contours of the jaw to passively hold in place



Some examples of dental prostheses include:


partial denture

palatal obturator

orthodontic appliance

dental implant




See also


Dental restoration

Dental braces



^ Tan, Dr Kent. “Dental Implants as a Treatment For Missing Teeth: A Literature Review”. My Implant Dentist. Archived from the original on 2021-09-01. Retrieved 2021-09-01.

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Dental prosthesis

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