-google pagespeed tools-

-as of [10 JANUARY 2024]




Google PageSpeed is a family of tools by Google Inc, designed to help a website’s performance optimizations

It was introduced at Developer Conference in 2010

There are four main components of PageSpeed family tools:

PageSpeed Module, consisting of mod_pagespeed[4] for the Apache HTTP Server and ngx_pagespeed[5] for the Nginx,[6] PageSpeed Insights, PageSpeed Service, and PageSpeed Chrome DevTools extension.

All of these components are built to identify faults in a website’s compliance with Google’s Web Performance Best Practices,[7] as well as automate the adjustment process.

PageSpeed Modules

The PageSpeed Modules are the open-source Apache HTTP Server or Nginx webservers modules, which automatically apply chosen filters to pages and associated assets, such as stylesheets, JavaScript, and HTML files, as well as to images and website cache requirements.

The largest advantage of these modules is that they do not require modifications to existing content or workflow,[8] meaning that all internal optimizations and changes to files are made on the server side, presenting modified files directly to the user.

Each of 40+ filters corresponds to one of Google’s web performance best practices rules.

Since PageSpeed module is an open-source library, it is frequently updated by numerous developers from all over the world and can be deployed by any individual sites, hosting providers, or CDNs.[9]

Installation is relatively easy and can be done in two ways: from packages or build from source on the following supported platforms:

Fedora/Rocky, both 32-bit and 64-bit
Debian/Ubuntu, both 32-bit and 64-bit
Other servers that offer a PageSpeed optimization module based on Google’s PageSpeed SDK:

Apache Traffic Server – ats_pagespeed [10]
Microsoft Internet Information Services – IIS WebSpeed←[11]
Pagespeed module filters are settings, based on which a webpage optimization rule is applied. They can be divided into five main categories:

Stylesheets optimizations;
Javascript files optimizations;
Images optimizations;
HTML optimizations;
Tracking activity filters.
Stylesheets optimizations[edit]
These filters change CSS files to optimized versions through making them smaller, combining several into one or extending cache lifetime:

Filter Name Description
Combine CSS If a page requires several stylesheets, this filter combines them into one stylesheet, decreasing the number of requests to a web server
Extend Cache for Stylesheets Increases the time that cached CSS files are to be kept in local storage, preventing extra requests and data loading upon a user’s return to the same webpage
Flatten CSS Imports Replaces all “@import” rules with the contents of imported files, if the size of the affected stylesheet files is less than the number of pre-determined bytes set by the sub-filter “CssFlattenMaxBytes”. This optimization is designed for reducing the number of requests by the web browser
Inline @import To Link Transforms “@import” rules into corresponding “” tags. Mostly is used for proper work of later applied filters
Inline CSS Inserts small external stylesheet files’ content directly into HTML document, therefore reducing number of requests. This filter is applied only to stylesheets that are smaller than a size set by sub-filter “CssInlineMaxBytes”

Inline Google Fonts API CSS Inserts any stylesheets, used by Google Font API, if they are smaller than a value, which is set by sub-filter “CssInlineMaxBytes”

Move CSS Above Scripts Rearranges the order of loading stylesheets and javascript files, assuring that scripts are not blocking CSS resources. Improves rendering of a webpage, leading to shorter loading times[12]
Move CSS to Head Places stylesheets inclusion before any elements are introduced, which decreases the loading time by eliminating re-flows of a webpage[13]
Outline CSS Experimental filter which puts inlined CSS rules on an external resource. The idea behind it is to create parallel connections to different servers rather than consecutive ones to the same host. This filter will try to outline only stylesheets bigger than set by sub-filter “CssOutlineMinBytes”
Prioritize Critical CSS Replaces stylesheets with inlined CSS rules, containing only necessary rules for initial viewport, and defers the rest of CSS rules to be loaded after the page is fully loaded
Rewrite CSS Allows other stylesheet and image related filters to be applied to local stylesheets. Additionally, this filter minifies all CSS. Has impact on payload size
Rewrite Style Attributes Implements the same optimization as “Rewrite CSS” filter to all rules, declared under “

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Google PageSpeed Tools

Contributors to Wikimedia projects16-21 minutes 4/30/2015

















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